MariaDB Boosts Security and Backup Features with Enterprise Database Server
MariaDB announced its new Enterprise Server platform on Feb. 26, providing organizations that rely on the database platform with increased quality and security alongside high-end features.
Among the new features in MariaDB Enterprise Server are data-at-rest encryption and enhanced data backup, along with improved quality assurance and security hardening.
As an enterprise-focused platform, the release overall aims to go beyond what's already available in the community edition in terms of performance and scalability.
“We're seeing that our enterprise customers have very different needs from the average community user,” Max Mether, VP of Server Product Management at MariaDB Corporation, stated. “These customers are working on a completely different scale with a strong focus on stability and security.”
Mether added that given the different needs of enterprises, it became clear that there was a need to create another version of MariaDB Server specifically focused on enterprise production workloads.
MariaDB Corporation
The open-source MariaDB database got its start as a form of the open-source MySQL database, and has grown in the years since. The MariaDB Corporation got its start in 2014, and was originally known as SkySQL.
SkySQL started out in 2010 with a focus on providing commercial support for the open source MariaDB database.
The new MariaDB Enterprise Server isn't the first time that the MariaDB Corporation has attempted to launch an enterprise edition of MariaDB. Back in January 2014, SkySQL announced its first attempt at an enterprise server.
Often, adding the enterprise moniker also means a commercial license for a given piece of software, but that's not what is happening with the new MariaDB Enterprise Server. Rather, MariaDB Corporation says the enterprise server is fully open source.
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4 will be the first release of the platform, and is set to debut alongside the MariaDB Platform update in spring 2019.
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at EnterpriseAppsToday and Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

Sean Michael is a writer who focuses on innovation and how science and technology intersect with industry, technology Wordpress, VMware Salesforce, And Application tech. TechCrunch Europas shortlisted her for the best tech journalist award. She enjoys finding stories that open people's eyes. She graduated from the University of California.