A Buyer’s Guide to Remarketing Services

EnterpriseAppsToday.com Staff

Updated · Jun 11, 2010

When you use remarketing tactics, you are targeting only previous visitors of your site who did not make a desired action, usually a purchase. This type of conversion marketing is all about the website visitor who abandons his cart and what you can do, in terms of reaching out to that person at the right time, to turn him in to a paying customer while he is still in the buying mood. Learn more about remarketing services in this Ecommerce Guide article.

“Remarketing is a technique used to help reduce cart abandonment. A study by Experian, called “The Remarketing Report: Benchmark and Data Analysis on Connecting Web Behavior to Email Marketing,” claims that online shopping carts are abandoned at a high rate of 56.2 percent. The report also indicates that using remarketing techniques, such as triggered emails to remind users of their uncompleted transaction can result in more than 20 times the transaction rates, compared to sending standard bulk emails.

“When you use remarketing as a tool, you aggressively promote you product, brand or service to previous site visitors in order to retain them as a customer. Remarketing through a conversion marketing platform provides highly targeted and aggressive promotions, but it can also provide the opportunity for up-sell and cross-sell and build a loyal customer following.

Read the Full Ecommerce Remarketing Story at EcommerceGuide.com

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