A Mobile Workforce and Social Analytics Are Game-Changers

Mark J

Updated · Oct 29, 2010

Sandra Ng, group vice president and head of practice group for IDC Asia-Pacific says that two game-changers she coined “socialytics and mobilution” will become increasingly relevant in this region over the next five years. Also noted in this report on ZDNet Asia, is that a combination of customer relationship management (CRM) tools and social media as a good example of what socialytic apps are and can accomplish.

“Sandra Ng, group vice president and head of practice group for IDC Asia-Pacific, noted that while CIOs are receiving a 10 to 15 percent boost in their IT budgets this year and next, they are expected to support business growth of over 30 percent. This pressing need to maximize their expenditure means IT heads will need to identify and utilize ways to “spend less for less complexity”, said the analyst during a presentation at the Infocomm Industry Forum here Thursday.

“Ng noted that this does not mean companies should stop spending on their IT systems. Instead, they should focus on investments that help reduce overall business operational complexities throughout the organization, she said.”

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