Boost Your Fintech Brand: How to Leverage Your Company’s News for Growth

Robyn Greenspan

Updated · Mar 02, 2024

Boost Your Fintech Brand: How to Leverage Your Company’s News for Growth

Staying competitive as a fintech company is no small feat these days. It seems like every week a slick new startup enters the scene armed to the teeth with cutting-edge technology and lofty promises. So how do you make sure your fintech brand stands out from the noise and continues to grow in this breakneck environment?

Well, one effective yet often overlooked growth strategy is to highlight your own company's achievements, milestones, and news. Properly promoting meaningful developments happening within your fintech walls – whether closing a mega-funding round, releasing an AI-powered app, or forging a new strategic alliance – builds brand visibility and trust when done effectively.

The key is crafting announcements not as obvious marketing plugs, but as substantive industry updates that capture attention on their own merit. With this in mind, this blog will explore a few key tips for sharing your fintech brand's wins, both big and small, so you can capture more attention and accelerate growth.

Identify Newsworthy Events and Milestones

With so much happening day-to-day in a scaling fintech company, how do you identify which events are truly newsworthy for promoting your brand? Not every milestone or achievement needs to be plastered on social media or pitched to journalists. Instead, focus on the most meaningful moments that demonstrate major momentum.

Think funding rounds, strategic alliances, breakthrough product launches, adoptions milestones, or securing a high-profile industry award. These impactful events show tangible progress in growth, innovation, credibility and bottom line – the ingredients for a solid reputation boost. Before blasting out any old announcement, filter options through questions like:

  • How relevant is this to our target audiences? Does it solve pressing pains they care about?
  • Does this demonstrate impressive tech advancements on par with industry leaders?
  • Will it significantly move the needle on user adoption or revenue?
  • Does a respected third party validate the value through an award or recognition?

The more times you can answer “yes”, the more that news will resonate. Also consider cadence – you don't want to over saturate media and customer channels. Identify a focused shortlist of the very best brand boosters bubbling up internally and externally. Then craft that selective news for maximum impact.

Learn How to Craft Compelling Press Releases

Press releases tend to be the best vehicle for sharing company news and milestones. But crafting one that captures attention and gives your fintech brand a visibility boost is equal parts art and science. There aren't any cookie-cutter templates that will work for all occasions.

However, there are a few fundamental best practices that can elevate your announcements into something readers genuinely engage with rather than skim past. First, think like a journalist and lead with the most attention-grabbing angles – the who, what, when, where, why/how details that tell the story behind the news. Burying key points deep in paragraphs won't cut it these days with audiences scanning quickly. Prioritize information for scannability.

Next, quote executives on the human impact and industry takeaways showcasing your company perspective. Finally, adapt vocabulary for the target publication – polish language for major outlets, but avoid stuffy jargon if that doesn’t suit your brand. Following this framework sets the stage for press coverage and visibility gains through an authentic, engaging story versus a thinly-veiled brag post.

Distribute Press Releases Effectively

Creating a stellar press release is only step one – you still need to get it in front of the right eyeballs. The best distribution strategy targets relevant media outlets and journalists who can amplify your news to the perfect audience.

To make this process easier, partner with industry-specific wire services like FinanceWire that cater to the fintech trade media world. They blast announcements directly into the inboxes of writers and editors covering the latest financial market happenings. This gives your story a fighting chance of catching a journalist's interest versus overcrowded general newswires.

When evaluating distribution channels, consider critical factors like industry-specific reach, publication and journalist targeting options, and their standing as a trusted news source. The gold standard services have cultivated relationships and audiences in your niche over years.

Build Relationships with Media and Influencers

Sometimes, an impersonal press release blast doesn’t always cut through. Savvy fintech brands also pursue strategic relationships with key journalists, analysts and influencers to gain visibility and validation.

Start by identifying relevant voices with sway in your niche – trade publications, prominent bloggers, ex-executives turned consultants. Reach out highlighting your expertise and novel perspectives on industry challenges. Offer up your CEO or founders as interview candidates to share insights on navigating fintech’s latest terrain.

Ideally, you want to be able to position your execs as go-to commentary resources for reporters seeking hard-hitting quotes on trending topics. Give influencers early access to new findings that support their position.

This relationship-building fuels goodwill and trust behind the scenes. So when you have a major company announcement that warrants coverage, those media allies will be more receptive to sharing your news and shining a spotlight on your brand.

Engage on Social Media

In addition to traditional media, social platforms offer a prime vehicle for amplifying announcements. Share press release summaries and news updates organically on your corporate handles. Encourage employees to proudly trumpet milestones within their networks as well – authentic pride goes a long way.

Importantly, you need to make sure that you are not just managing outward promotion but actively engaging with your audience too – the hallmarks of social media. Respond to follower questions and commentary sparked by your updates, leaning into relevant industry hashtags and group discussions. This two-way dialogue builds community while extending reach.

For major launches or funding news, consider paid boosting through targeted ads as well. Choose strategic audiences and demographics more likely to care about certain achievements over others based on their interests and roles.

With the right social strategy – genuine engagement, employee advocacy, and occasional advertising – your media milestones can inform AND inspire both existing and expanded circles of fintech connections.

Develop News-focused Thought Leadership Content

Press releases allow you to highlight news snapshots, but to really establish expertise, you need an expanded content mix. For example, you can offer behind-the-scenes analysis on major milestones through blog posts, articles, or whitepapers.

These thought leadership pieces let you dive deeper, connecting the dots on factors driving innovation and trends tied to your announcements. You can share insightful backstories that headline summaries skip over – like the challenges you overcame, key a-ha moments during product development, as well as future implications for the industry.

Additionally, get creative in your content formats in order to appeal to differing audience needs. Consider translating announcements into infographics to visualize revealing data, videos bringing demos to life in a digestible way, podcast interviews that put your executives' perspectives into focus and more. Ultimately the goal is positioning your brand as an authoritative industry voice versus a one-note newsbot.

Final Word

At the end of the day, consistently spotlighting your fintech brand’s major moments is crucial for rising above the noise. Implementing the strategies we’ve covered – distilling genuinely groundbreaking news, packaging announcements for impact, courting key media relationships, activating social channels, and expanding into thought leadership content – will pay dividends.

This orchestrated approach makes your company impossible to ignore amongst the chaos of nonstop fintech player updates. It builds familiarity and trust with target audiences, framing your brand as an industry trailblazer versus another face in the funding-headline crowd.

  • News
  • Robyn Greenspan
    Robyn Greenspan

    Robyn Greenspan, an independent researcher and speaker, is interested in innovation, market trends and information technology. She was a participant in the AI Summit and also took part in the IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing, International SOA Symposium series and the International Cloud Symposium series. She graduated from Temple University. She was previously the communications and research manager for the AMS, an internationally recognized professional association that advances knowledge in the IT and business management areas.

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