Buzzom Creates Social CRM Buzz

Mark J

Updated · Sep 02, 2010

When it comes to marketing an analytics, social media and networks has a lot to offer. This Silicon India report discusses why Social CRM buzz is important and also provides an overview of InRev Systems
— a start up that develops applications for
social media optimization.

“Founded in 2009, the year and half old start up develops applications for social media optimization and with its flagship product, Buzzom, it promises to change the way corporate look at socializing. Priced at $10 per month Buzzom Premium is the company's first offering. It helps users track their growth on Twitter along with multiple other services. One of the most talked about feature of Buzzom is the ‘Stats' which helps a user measure one's Twitter performance by giving brief but accurate stats about himself, his profile type and his followers' twitter activity and efficiency. Apart from this, one can monitor buzz about their brand by tracking the conversations to find interesting and actionable statistics. Users can also choose to add all their social media profiles such as Multiple Twitter Profiles, Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Profile, LinkedIn Profile and more to the system and increase their users reach.”

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