Corel Draws on Aspect Staff

Updated · Aug 21, 2001

Aspect Communications Corporation's Aspect® Contact Server will be the customer relationship management (CRM) application of choice for Corel Corporation. Corel creates graphics and business productivity applications to customers in many industries — home, corporate, government, academic, designers and legal professionals. “Corel is truly a ‘customer-centric' organization in which our customers' needs are the driving force behind every decision we make,” said Annette McLeave, executive vice president of marketing at Corel Corporation,

The Aspect Contact Server, formerly known as Aspect Customer Relationship Portal, integrates CRM resources and makes real-time customer data available throughout the enterprise. The Aspect Contact Server will unify Corel's Onyx customer databases and route customer inquiries to the support representative with the most appropriate skills, addressing a specific need. The structure will result in more efficient customer resolution at a reduced cost. “The Aspect Contact Server is playing an important role in both improving our efficiency and in serving our customers,” stated McLeave.

Ottawa, Canada-based Corel provides creative tools on the Windows, Macintosh, Linux and UNIX platforms. The company's expansion plans include delivering Web-based applications, content and services and developing applications for Microsoft's .NET platform.

Headquartered in San Jose, Calif., Aspect Communications has delivered solutions that integrate voice over IP, traditional telephony, e-mail, voicemail, Web, fax, and wireless business communications. Over 7,600 Aspect implementations have been deployed worldwide.

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