Dell, Microsoft To Deliver Business Intelligence for Community Hospitals

Mark J

Updated Ā· Feb 23, 2011

Dell and Microsoft have announced a plan to collaborate to deliver an analytics, informatics, Business Intelligence (BI) and performance improvement solution designed to meet the needs of community hospitals through an affordable, subscription-based model. As reported in this Trading Markets news release, the solution will enable comparative and best practice data sharing with other participants.

“The new offering will be developed in collaboration with Stellaris Health Network, a community hospital system that consists of Lawrence Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center and White Plains Hospital. These hospitals will serve as the foundation members in the solution development process.

“Community hospitals will have access to targeted, focused views of consolidated patient data from source systems across the hospital, enabling organizational leaders, clinicians and physicians to rapidly gain insights into the administrative, clinical and financial data needed to make ongoing operational decisions. This information will further enable hospitals to provide patients with advancing levels of high quality, evidence-based care. In addition, the solution will provide add-on, business-focused applications.”

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