Email Marketing Trends to Consider

Mark J

Updated · Jun 18, 2010

When it comes to digital, or email marketing strategies, technology and customer expectations change the way marketers work. This Media Post article outlines emerging trends in email marketing and how you can leverage them in your own company's email marketing campaigns.

“Impact on Email Marketing: Consumers appear to be using email less for personal communications, relying instead on texting, tweeting, posting on Facebook, etc.

“But because email has a strong permission foundation and gives users control over the inbox, it has become the preferred channel for receiving communications from companies and brands.

“At the same time, consumers are becoming more discriminating and have higher expectations of the channel. Those email marketers that step up to the challenge and increase relevance through segmentation, lifecycle and triggered email programs will reap the rewards. Competitors that continue to rely on a “batch and blast” mentality will find the channel declining in ROI.”

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