Epicor Launches Mobile Marketing for Retailers

EnterpriseAppsToday.com Staff

Updated · Jan 26, 2010

Recognizing that mobile device and smartphone users represent a rapidly growing customer segment, ERP software provider Epicor has introduced Epicor Retail Mobile Marketing for retailers. The product is designed to help retailers target mobile consumers, strengthening brand and customer loyalty while helping to increase revenue.

"Delivered via a partnership with mobile messaging and technology provider Impact Mobile, the Mobile Marketing tool lets retailers deliver customized messages, coupons and promotions to mobile device users," writes TMCnet's David Sims.

"It can be used in-house by retailers to support SMS — text messaging — campaigns, distribute mobile coupons, and support a wide range of additional types of promotions," Sims writes. "Additionally, Epicor's Retail CRM Services team is available to help retailers create, manage and launch mobile marketing campaigns via Epicor Mobile Marketing, ‘which can augment existing CRM initiatives or be incorporated as a part of the turnkey execution and management of ongoing CRM campaigns,' company officials add."

"For years, we have envisioned a combination of in-store mobile devices and consumer mobile devices powering the retail transactions of tomorrow," says David Henning, executive vice president and general manager at Epicor Retail. "Over the past 18 months this vision has begun to take shape as we have seen a major uptick in interest from retailers in mobile marketing and this unique, rich, one-to-one interactive marketing experience. As consumers continue to embrace mobile devices, retailers are rushing to leverage mobile marketing because it is extremely timely, customizable, measurable and cost effective, and has a relatively high response rate as compared to other marketing channels."

Click on the following to read the TMCnet article: Epicor Introduces Retail Mobile Marketing Tool


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