How Much is a Fan’s Loyalty Worth?

Mark J

Updated · May 25, 2010

Influencers have a huge impact on brand building and bottom-line sales. According to this report on Adotas, just 1 percent of your online
fan base on Facebook and Twitter drives 20 percent of traffic to your website. Plus, these influencers can directly influence 30 percent or more of your sales just by recommending your products or services to their social network.

“The real promise of social media isn't to amass millions of fans just for the sake of it, but instead is the opportunity to analyze the traffic and activities of your fan base to identify key influencers. Then once you know who these people are, cultivate a lifetime relationship with them by offering them special promotions, regular communications and privileged access to your products and services. These influencers will then turn around and spread these messages to their entire social network.”

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