IBM and Business Analytics

Mark J

Updated · Apr 02, 2010

OhMyGov's Richard Hartman recently examined IBM's longstanding focus on business analytics, performance measurement and government consulting.

"IBM's history goes deep into the government, beginning with support of the U.S. Census Bureau's adoption of the Hollerith Punch Card, Tabulating Machine and Sorter in 1890 by inventor Herman Hollerith, a Census Bureau statistician," Hartman writes.

"Two of IBM's software products to help implement analytics are Cognos, a performance management solution to improve visibility into and across government agencies, and SPSS, which includes data collection, text and data mining, and advanced statistical analysis and predictive solutions," Hartman notes.

Click on the following to read the OhMyGov article: No stranger to the public sector, IBM focuses on government business analytics

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