IBM Predictive Analytics Available Across Global Technology Services

Mark J

Updated · Dec 08, 2010

IBM (IBM) has announced that powerful new predictive analytical capabilities, constructed using intellectual property from 21 inventions, have been incorporated into its global technology services portfolio – including information technology and strategic outsourcing services. As noted in the company's news statement, this is the latest example of IBM using analytics capabilities to transform the nature of high-value business and technology services, which includes everything from identifying fraud in tax or healthcare systems, to predicting consumer buying behaviors for retail clients.

“New analytical capabilities are available now across IBM Global Technology Services. Examples of capabilities that help clients with data center rationalization include:

“IBM's Alternate Cash Flow Analysis can help determine which alternatives in data center or IT infrastructure operations can cost-effectively meet a client's business goals. Consolidate or upgrade? Two data centers or one? Short-term benefit or long-term approach? This analysis calculates the ‘do-nothing strategy' – for example, what would happen to investments if left in their current state – which provides a baseline for other financial comparisons.

“IBM's Physical Threshold Capacity Analysis can help forecast data center capacity requirements many years into the future, allowing clients to know how long their data centers will remain viable and when they will need to be upgraded. A patent-pending algorithm developed by IBM Research empowers decision-making and improved business performance through the use of computational algorithms and modeling to determine how to meet unpredictable demand in data center capacity. Based on client's input on expected application growth, IT strategy and current data center capabilities, the tool provides objective analysis on the data center capacity thresholds to predict energy and space capacity requirements.”

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