Jive and Bunchball Usher in Personalized Gamification

Pedro Hernandez

Updated · Apr 09, 2013

Social enterprise specialist Jive released a new version of its Advanced Gamification Module, which the company says will help boost employee engagement by offering personalized incentives.

Jive first launched its Advanced Gamification Module for its Social Business platform in March 2012. The module is based on Bunchball Nitro, a software component that rewards users with virtual acclaim, badges and other rewards for participating in company initiatives and achieving business goals.

Some big brands are using the gamification technology to foster friendly competition among their employees, says Jive. Notable customers include T-Mobile, Tableau Software and Eloqua.

Today, Jive and Bunchball are rolling out the welcome mat for more organizations with a new batch of upgrades and optimizations.

Jive's Advanced Gamification Module has been better integrated into the overall interface, claims the company. The module's elements, including badges, leaderboards and notifications, all “share the same clean look and feel as the overall Jive experience.”

Social Reputation

Taking a cue from popular video game ecosystems, the latest version offers Jive users ways to earn reputation. In this regard, the module pulls double duty: tracking contributions like sharing documents or posting on Facebook and ranking those contributions by the social behaviors that they provoke.

Workers can now gain “rep” by the number of comments, votes and reposts that their Jive activities generate. Alternately, employers can use the new reputation features to derive insights into which types of activities do a better job of inspiring workers to participate.

And because nobody wants a trophy case filled with underwhelming accolades, Jive and Bunchball are taking a personalized approached to rewards.

Finally, administrators can do a better job of incentivizing their workforces with the updated software's new, more precise personalization features. Nitro now attaches contextual information to the 100-plus activities that administrators can attach to missions and challenges, helping businesses implement more relevant and compelling reward systems.

Personalized gamification is the future of the social enterprise, declares Bunchball founder Rajat Paharia.

“By integrating Bunchball's Nitro gamification engine with the Jive platform in an advanced new Jive module, we're personalizing gamification with game mechanics that speak to the motivations, interests and aspirations of each employee. With Bunchball and Jive, gamification gets personal, whether at the workgroup level or across an entire enterprise,” said Paharia in a statement.

Jive's new Advanced Gamification Module is available now.

Pedro Hernandez is a contributing editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the Quinstreet Enterprise Network. Follow him on Twitter @ecoINSITE.

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  • Pedro Hernandez
    Pedro Hernandez

    Pedro Hernandez contributes to Enterprise Apps Today, and 11Press, the technology network. He was previously the managing editor of Internet.com, an IT-related website network. He has expertise in Smart Tech, CRM, and Mobile Tech, Helping Banks and Fintechs, Telcos and Automotive OEMs, and Healthcare and Identity Service Providers to Protect Mobile Apps.

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