Large Vendors Acquire Analytics, Business Intelligence Companies

Mark J

Updated · Oct 19, 2010

Large IT vendors, including Oracle (ORCL), EMC (EMC) and IBM (IBM) are acquiring companies that have business intelligence (BI) and analytics capabilities.
According to this report on ZDNet Asia, the companies being acquired have preconfigured solutions that can be easily assimilated.

“IBM, for one, forked out US$1.7 billion in September for data analytics firm Netezza, which offers a data-warehousing appliance designed to help businesses handle high-performance analytics. Big Blue pointed out the ease of installing Netezza's appliance as a way to quickly get analytics into the hands of business units such as sales, product development and human resources.'

“Earlier in June, storage giant EMC also splashed out for Greenplum, another privately-held data warehousing database management systems (DBMS) vendor. The latter has a portable DBMS product that is open and supported as an appliance based on x86 hardware sold by Cisco, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Oracle acquisition, Sun Microsystems.”

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