Living Analytics Research Center Established

Mark J

Updated · Mar 09, 2011

Singapore Management University (SMU) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have teamed up to establish the Living Analytics Research Center (LARC). As noted in this PR Newswire release, the center will develop new techniques to acquire data on consumer and social behavior and pioneer new approaches to analyze such data. To fuel the project, the collaboration has received a $20 million grant over five years from the National Research Foundation in Singapore.

“The living analytics research program is distinctive in that it combines the key technologies of Big Data (large scale data mining, statistical machine learning, and computational tools for the analysis of dynamic social networks) with analytics focused on consumer behavior and social media.

“‘We are honored to have this extraordinary LARC opportunity that takes our existing relationship with CMU to a new level of research intensity,' said SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer. ‘The SMU-CMU collaboration gives us a global edge in interdisciplinary research that integrates computation, management, and social science. The LARC is a giant step forward in SMU's drive to becoming a global leader in research and education at the intersection of business, behavioral and social analytics. Also, this partnership takes advantage of SMU's unusual composition of having a powerful School of Information Systems in the midst of what is otherwise a management and social science oriented university.'”

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