Mobile Business Intelligence Is a Really Big Deal
According to a new mobile business intelligence study by analyst Howard Dresner, nearly 90 percent of responding companies think mobile BI is important. Dresner noted that mobile devices and tablets, specifically the iPad, are not only making mobile BI possible, but essential, reports
Mike Vizard recently spotlighted a couple of vendors whose mobile applications are pushing BI to the iPad. Compelling mobile apps have led Dresner to believe that mobile BI is poised for major growth over the next two years and to catch on with large companies. His points are further expounded upon in this interview with Brett Stupakevich at Smart Data Collective.

Ainsley Jones is an author who writes about Trending Technology and Big Data, iOS, CRM, Engineering, and other topics. Expertise in: - 17 years of experience as a professional freelancer and technology writer. Expertise in technology trends for both SMBs and enterprises. Expert in email marketing and social media campaigns. Reputable and trusted voice in small-business ecommerce marketing.