Mobile CRM Can Offer Lessons for Enterprise Application Adoption
According to this TechTarget article, mobile CRM's history is checkered at best. The article points to issues such as problems with end-user adoption and device management as problems encountered in early CRM deployments. The article suggests that these lessons learned from CRM can be useful in mobilizing other enterprise applications.
“‘The biggest change that we're getting in moving out of email and through CRM is, when you think of the application, it's about what do we need to know,' Lopez said. ‘Sometimes all the data you need isn't in one application, it's a composite application. You may need to pull something out of, say, SAP or an Oracle system and present that.'
“For example, one frequent CRM scenario was one in which a salesman was on the road about to visit a client. While he could prepare contact and pipeline information via the mobile CRM application, oftentimes the customer also wanted to know the status of an existing order that was in the ERP system, something the salesman couldn't access.”
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