Oracle OpenWorld: Bashing, CRM, BI and Fusion Apps

David Needle

Updated · Sep 24, 2010

In his OpenWorld keynote address yesterday, Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) CEO Larry Ellison reiterated his criticism of CRM rival (NYSE: CRM), threw in some jabs at SAP (NYSE: SAP) too, and also managed to discuss some of the company's products while he was at it.

Perhaps most interesting was Ellison's statement that Oracle is building business intelligence into its applications — which opened the door for a dig at IBM (NYSE: IBM).

Instead of offering separate business intelligence analysis tools, Ellison said Oracle is building BI into its applications. “IBM says business intelligence is one of its fastest-growing businesses, but we don't think of it as something separate. We think business intelligence should be everywhere,” Ellison said.

“We thought you should provide up-to-the-minute information, instead of after the fact,” he added. “Like, ‘If I approve this discount, will I still make money?' or ‘What product should I recommend next to this specific customer?'”

Oracle also updated its Business Intelligence Applications at the show.

For more on Ellison's keynote address, see Oracle's CEO Holds Court on Salesforce, Fusion and More at CIO Update.

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  • David Needle
    David Needle

    David Needle is an experienced technology reporter, based in Silicon Valley. He covers big data, mobile, customer experience, social media, and other topics. He was previously the news editor for Enterprise Apps Today, TabTimes editor, and West Coast bureau chief of

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