Personalization Summit Coming To New York Staff

Updated · Feb 12, 2001

NEW YORK–New York City will be host to the third annual Personalization
Summit, to be held April 1-3 at the New York Hilton.

The Personalization Summits says attendees will include major retailers, leading financial
service and insurance providers, and the travel and services industries. In addition, they say
a broad array of suppliers will be showcasing breakthrough products to the personalization
space as well as proven solutions for Personalization, CRM and retail.

“The Personalization Summits continue to be a top draw year after year for a couple of
reasons. Certainly the economy has forced many companies to seek additional ways to build
lasting relationships with their customers. Personalization and CRM are a proven way to
ensure those relationships,” said Steve Larsen, president of the Personalization Summits.
“In addition the use of these applications continues to broaden- a few years ago,
personalization began with online retailers. Today, multichannel retailers, insurance and
financial institutions, the travel industry, even the health care industry is looking at
ways to apply these technologies to their businesses.”

Personalization Summits says featured speakers will include:

  • David Pottruck: President and Co-CEO of Charles Schwab, Author
    of Clicks and Mortar.

  • Don Peppers: Author Enterprise One-to-One, and The One-to One
    Fieldbook, speaking on “The ROI Imperative For One-to-One

  • Malcolm Gladwell, staff writer at the New Yorker and author of
    The Tipping Point: How little things can make a Big Difference
    and co-author of Unleashing the Idea Virus.

  • Seth Godin: Author of Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers
    into Friends and Friends into Customers and co-author of
    Unleashing the Idea Virus

  • David Weinberger: Co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto and
    Editor of the Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization speaking
    on “The Personalization Context”

  • Jack Aaronson, Director of Personalization Barnes and Noble,
    on “The Rules of Engagement: How I Learned to stop Worrying
    and Love Personalization”

Personalization Summits says detailed information on the New York Summit, and the ability to register online for the
conference can be found at The company says that
prospective attendees who visit the site to get more information on the
conference can receive a free copy of the Peppers and Rogers white paper, E-mail Marketing Maximized, the definitive guide
on e-mail marketing.

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