Report: Twitter Users Three Times More Likely to Impact Brands

Mark J

Updated · Aug 05, 2010

A new study released by ExactTarget finds consumers active on Twitter are three times more likely to impact a brand's online reputation through syndicated Tweets, blog posts, articles and product reviews than the average consumer. As noted in this Business Wire news release, the report by ExactTarget and CoTweet, the survey of more than 1,500 consumers identifies top motivations for following brands on Twitter and provides new insight into consumers' expectations for interacting with brands online.

“Key findings of the research include:

“Twitter users are the most influential online consumers – 72 percent publish blog posts at least monthly, 70 percent comment on blogs, 61 percent write at least one product review monthly and 61 percent comment on news sites.

“Daily Twitter users are 6 times more likely to publish articles, five times more likely to post blogs, seven times more likely to post to Wikis and three times more likely to post product reviews at least monthly compared to non-Twitter users.

“23 percent of online consumers read Twitter updates at least monthly.

“11 percent of online consumers read Twitter updates, but do not have a Twitter account themselves.

“20 percent of consumers indicate they have followed a brand in order to interact with the company – more than become email subscribers or Facebook fans for the sake of interaction.”

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