SAP Clarifies its Cloud Strategy

Mark J

Updated · Nov 24, 2010

At the User Group Conference in Manchester, SAP revealed its hybrid cloud and on-premises, mobile strategy. As noted n this report on, two or three years ago most businesses had on-premises IT. Now the conversation we have with companies is: how do you want to consume our software? The choice of on-premises, on-demand, or on-device products presents companies with great opportunities.

“User Group chairman Alan Bowling agrees that SAP has finally outlined a successful strategy going forward.

“‘We would have struggled to describe SAP's strategy a couple of months ago, it was very muddy. But the company is now thinking in terms of business processes rather than software, and this is what our users need,' said Bowling.

“Customers have been deploying cloud and on-device SAP systems in recent months, and their experiences have been mixed.”

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