SAP On Track Despite Google Wave Demise

Mark J

Updated · Aug 11, 2010

As reported on Datamation, one of the partners Google was working with,
enterprise software giant SAP, wants to make clear the demise of Wave isn't going to impact development of its Streamwork collaboration software. Wave's future crashed last week when Google announced it was killing off the project because it was disappointed with the rate of user adoption.

“‘We feel like we're breaking new ground, just as Google Wave did, but with a different purpose. We're trying to make this incredibly directed and high-velocity value to people in their jobs,' David Meyer, a senior vice president at SAP in charge of Streamwork, told

“Meyer said SAP benefited from using Google's OpenSocial and Gadget API code to help Streamwork's interoperability. ‘The Gadget API is alive and well and used by a ton of developers,' said Meyer. ‘The investment we made with the Wave developers was a lot of fun and made us look at things in unique ways and that knowledge and insight we gained is totally leverageable.'”

Read the Full “Google Wave Partner SAP Says StreamWork Still On Track” Story at Datamation

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