Social CRM Success Depends on Metric Integration

Mark J

Updated · Aug 27, 2010

Analytics and Social CRM evolve together. As mentioned in this CRM Buyer report, the success of Social CRM may well hinge on how effectively they integrate various metrics, and how flexible are the resulting platforms. Determining the right mix of analytical tools is just as demanding a task as determining the right social approach.

“Analytics vendors are sensing this opportunity; Autonomy, Radian6 and Lithium quickly introduced analytical tools to their arsenals, although they tend to focus more on sentiment and delivering information to CRM than on correlating social activity to business results. Other vendors, like Cloud9, are providing new levels of time-based sales analysis, but they're not really tied to social CRM in anything but a superficial way.

“So, determining the right mix of analytical tools is just as demanding a task as determining the right social approach. Today, stitching together the right set of analytical tools is necessary to get a complete understanding of the total impact of social CRM. That's not easy.”

Read the Full “Analytics and Social CRM: Parallel Evolution?” Story at CRM Buyer

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