Social Networks: Corporate Tool or Major Distraction?

Mark J

Updated · Sep 27, 2010

Corporations have concerns about the growing popularity and rising usage of social networking platforms — such as Twitter and Facebook. Security is an issue and many also look at social networks as a distraction and not a meaningful productivity tool. This Internet Evolution article discusses how purpose-built corporate networking solutions like's Chatter fit in the corporate environment.

“While every executive wants to encourage internal communications and collaboration, they also want to do so without having to worry about workers inadvertently distributing sensitive information outside the office. Their worst fears are inspired by seeing teenagers, and even many adults, sharing inappropriate photos or personal opinions frivolously with their peers every day via Facebook and Twitter. The rapid dissemination of this information across these viral networks scares executives to death.

“However, I believe the early success of purpose-built corporate networking solutions — like Inc. 's Chatter, Yammer, and others — is quickly proving that these issues can be overcome and are far outweighed by the tangible business benefits.”

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