SocialText Updates to Version 4.0 Staff

Updated · Mar 08, 2010

Socialtext has launched version 4.0 of its enterprise social software platform.

"There are several new features, a number of them revolving around helping users find what's useful in all the activity and chatter of a big organization by focusing on particular groups or conversations," writes VentureBeat's Anthony Ha. "For one thing, users can now create collaborative groups, where an individual team gets a workspace, which can be public or private. These groups can use any of the tools available in Socialtext, and they be used as either a permanent, longstanding team, or created on-the-fly, around a specific project or assignment."

"Within Socialtext's microblogging side, you can now divide posts into different channels, presumably reflecting different topics and teams," Ha adds. "One thing that seems particularly useful is the ability to choose which of your own posts go to which channel, compared to groups on Twitter, where all of your posts show up regardless of topic."

"The focus of our enterprise social software has always been to accelerate business performance for our customers, by giving their people new ways to share knowledge and expertise," says company CEO Eugene Lee. "Socialtext 4.0 takes that an extra step forward. It allows people to circulate information, ideas and updates in a targeted way with teammates, so they can move quickly to take advantage of new opportunities."

Click on the following to read the VentureBeat article: Socialtext 4.0 brings stronger group features to business microblogging and more

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