Sonoma Partners Announces Revenue Increase

Mark J

Updated · Mar 10, 2010

Chicago-based Sonoma Partners has announced that its revenues grew by 44 percent in 2009.

"The firm works exclusively with Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Management software, thus they were in a prime position to goose their bottom line during a downturn," writes Fast Company's Maccabee Montandon. "First they identified an opportunity in the soft belly of the bear — in this case, Sonoma Partners realized that companies needed a competitive advantage more than ever, and a good place to start is by solidifying bonds with customers. If you aren't going to be able to lure new clients into your realm, you sure as hell better hold on to the ones you've got."

"Sonoma does this by working with groups in the service industry, like a hotel chain or the home of the Bulls and Blackhawks, The United Center, to both customize their CRM and help them manage it," Montandon writes.

Click on the following to read the Fast Company article: If the Customer Is Truly King, Then Sonoma Partners Is One Smitten Queen

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