Tips to Partner Sales and Web Strategies
Often, sales methodologies launch without a thought toward digital strategy, and digital strategies launch without alignment to how the sales team actually works. According to this report on CRM Buyer, it is time to embrace the role of digital strategy in prospect decision making.
“To successfully own the Four Ps of Marketing, it requires a close partnership between sales and marketing with a digital strategy that is embedded in the sales methodology and training. Is it time to “Reinvent the Sales Organization,” to embrace the role of digital strategy in prospect decision making? Absolutely!
“The intersection of sales, marketing and digital strategy adds a fifth P: opportunity-specific perception aimed at driving preference over the competition. Actively managing perception is a critical skill separating genuine sellers from warm order taking bodies.
“‘In the very near future, the best sales groups won't even look like sales groups, they'll look like customer advocates and their capital will be their engaged and passionate customers,' said Dion Hinchcliffe, senior vice president at Dachis Group. ‘Thought leadership will be the most potent weapon when it comes to sales messages that transmit and work best in a digital and deeply socially networked world.'
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