Top Enterprise Apps for 2021

William Elcock

Updated · Feb 17, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, organizations need powerful tools to help them achieve their goals. Organizations have to handle large amounts of data and meet tight deadlines. It’s impossible to keep up with these demands without the right tools. That’s where enterprise apps come in. Enterprise apps are specifically geared towards helping companies achieve their goals on the organizational level rather than on the individual level. They are road-tested and much more reliable than consumer apps. This is necessary because enterprises can’t afford downtime that may be acceptable with non-enterprise software. Given the demands of today’s world, powerful tools are needed to achieve an organization’s strategic goals. There are many powerful enterprise apps available today, but here are the top ones to watch for in 2021.

By 2032, The Global Enterprise Data Management Market is anticipated to reach USD 531 Billion in revenue – According to

Salesforce (Customer Relationship Management)

Key Features

  • Send targeted and personalized messages to customers
  • Unify email, social media, phone, and chat support
  • Automate redundant tasks and admin work
  • Unify B2B and B2C buying experiences
  • Integrate customer data from any source

Salesforce is a big name and it isn’t difficult to see why. The customer is king and Salesforce allows businesses to intelligently manage their customer relationships with streamlined and automated solutions. With Salesforce, businesses essentially make sure that all of their departments are able to have a shared view of all customers. This makes it easy to work as a team and to understand what needs to be delivered to each customer. Moreover, your data is kept secure and the solutions offered can be tailored for any sized business across multiple industries.

Amazon Web Services (Cloud Platforms)

Key Features

  • Over 175 cloud services offered
  • Data centres available globally
  • Transparent pricing with discounts offered based on volume

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the world’s most comprehensive cloud platforms. It boasts over 175 services such as Amazon Managed Blockchain, AWS IOT Analytics, and AWS Config. Its services span a wide range of categories such as computing tools, storage, databases, analytics, networking tools, mobile tools, IOT framework, and security tools. Its quality speaks for itself as AWS is trusted by millions of customers across several different industries.

Concur (Travel and Expense Management)

Key Features

  • Digital receipt management for employees
  • Manages employee Reimbursement
  • Trip itinerary management
  • Allows for easy expense report creation

Expenses incurred by employees doing business on behalf of companies is inevitable. Travel expenses are also unavoidable for many businesses. Keeping track of travel and expenses without a software tool can be a nightmare. With Concur, businesses get access to a cloud-based solution that streamlines the handling of expenses. Concur can easily handle expense reporting, carry out audits of reports, and manage the storage of expense related documents among many other things.

Slack (Internal Communications and Collaboration)

Key Features

  • Channels can be dedicated to different projects/purposes.
  • Data stored for future reference
  • File sharing
  • Automate routine actions

Physical meetings are great, but they aren’t always feasible or efficient. With Slack, teams can keep in contact with each other using this user-friendly communication application. It lets team admins create channels for different projects/goals and it allows for file sharing. One of the major benefits of Slack is that it works better than email for teams collaborating on a project. Instead of sorting through dozens of emails, a Slack channel can be used to make things easier. This way, all communication is an easy to navigate and search chat with all shared files easily accessible. Slack can also integrate with other apps. For example, it can integrate with Google Drive to streamline the storage and retrieval of files.

Jira (Issue Tracking/Project Management)

Key Features

  • Uses agile tools such as Scrum and Kanban to keep track of tasks
  • Supports automation of tasks and processes
  • Designed for security
  • Can easily be scaled for larger projects/businesses

Jira helps teams to manage their work. It was originally designed as a bug and issue tracker, but it can be used in other cases such as software development. This is why it’s so powerful. Whether it’s an IT department keeping track of user issues or a team developing products, Jira can help manage these scenarios. It can even connect with tools such as GitHub to help manage processes.

Meraki (Cloud-Controlled Network Management)

Key Features

  • Advanced Security
  • Supports next-generation WiFi
  • Devices easy to set up

Cisco Meraki is a leader in cloud-controlled networking. Cisco Meraki provides network devices which are easy to set up and that can be controlled from anywhere from the Meraki Dashboard and from the Meraki mobile app. The dashboard and mobile interfaces are capable of controlling thousands of devices. This comes in especially handy for larger businesses who can make quick changes with minimal effort.

Datapine (Business Intelligence)

Key Features

  • Provides different dashboards based on the industry
  • Displays key performance metrics
  • Allows for predictive analytics
  • Easy to use drag and drop interface

Businesses have to manage a colossal amount of data in today’s world. It is honestly easy to be overwhelmed by this data. To manually sift through and analyze all of a business’ available data would be a tall task. However, Datapine helps businesses analyze information so that they can take appropriate business actions. With Datapine, businesses have access to an intuitive user interface that lets them easily visualize trends and patterns. Data can also be easily shared using URLs, making collaboration easy.

Wrapping Up

Enterprise apps are an important business driving force in today’s world. We have reached the point where technology is necessary to keep up with the demands of business. From colossal amounts of data to having to deal with thousands of customers, it just isn’t feasible to tackle modern business without powerful enterprise apps. There are some familiar names on our list such as Salesforce and Amazon Web Services, but enterprises should be aware of other powerful tools such as Jira for issue tracking and project management, and Meraki for controlling networks from the cloud. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these apps are proven to be effective and will be important for thousands of businesses in 2021. Depending on your businesses your needs will differ, but, to get the competitive edge, don’t ignore the value that apps relevant to your industry will provide.

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