Understanding Social CRM

Mark J

Updated · Mar 04, 2010

Computer Business Review's Janine Milne takes an in-depth look at social CRM and its key benefits.

"Social CRM is a very different beast from traditional CRM," Milne writes. "For one thing, it is external rather than internal. The customer is in control of the conversation, not the organization. Traditional CRM empowers companies to understand the intricacies of their relationship with customers. It is about companies making internal operational efficiencies and analyzing data to provide customer information to sales and support staff."

"With social CRM, the power shifts to the customer," Milne adds. "It's not simply a technology (though it is enabled by technology); it's a whole different approach. It helps businesses transform the nature of their customer relationships from one-to-one to many-to-many."

Click on the following to read the Computer Business Review article: Open sesame

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