Zoho CRM for BlackBerry Expected to Launch out of Beta

Mark J

Updated · Aug 10, 2010

The Zoho CRM app for BlackBerry provides standard functionality in Zoho, optimized for the mobile environment. According to this report on CRM Buyer, Zoho is poised, possibly this week, to take its BlackBerry CRM app out of private beta and make it generally available. It is
also expected that an iPhone app will follow.

“The interfaces of the iPhone and BlackBerry apps are different, of course, due to differences in the respective hardware — the iPhone's touchscreen versus the BlackBerry's wheel. At bottom, though, both are a reflection of Zoho's brand of CRM functionality.

“They are also just the first iteration of Zoho's app push, Vegesna said. Within the next six months, the company plans to update them with such advanced features as camera integration and location-based functionality.”

Read the Full “Zoho CRM for BlackBerry: Bread and Butter” Story at CRM Buyer

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