Aftermind Goes For The “After-Sale”

Michael Singer

Updated · Jan 22, 2002

You made the sale from your Web site. Great! Now what?

Web business software maker Aftermind, Inc., says you need to keep in touch with that customer – or they may never come back.

The Fremont, Calif.-based company Monday launched Aftermind Support Contract Manager and Aftermind Installed Base Manager, two new applications designed to maximize the after-sale profit margin for manufacturers of networking and industrial equipment, test and measurement devices, IT products, and consumer appliances and electronics.

Aftermind CEO and co-founder Rohan Mahadevan says the secret is in mixing existing enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM) systems with third-party applications and content providers.

“After-sale service and support constitute a multi-billion dollar market, with a great upside for companies that optimize their service business, increase repurchase rates and add-on sales, and reduce support costs,” says Mahadevan. “Our approach streamlines the after-sale process from start to finish, and offers manufacturers a true competitive advantage that addresses both their revenue and cost management goals.”

Support Contract Manager is a CRM application that works mostly with e-mail notifications, and reporting tools to allows companies to manage higher contract volumes without increasing costs.

The company says its Installed Base Manager improves information capture and customer contact with Web-based capabilities that include an online product registration process, customer survey and e-mail marketing tools with real-time tracking of results, and product support. The application can also link with the order management systems of their channel partners to upload product registration and other data.

“We've developed best-of-breed products that can be deployed within four to six weeks and can demonstrate ROI in as early as six months,” says Mahadevan. “Our first-generation products were deployed last year by one of the oldest and largest appliance manufacturers to increase revenues from value-added services and decrease marketing costs. We're confident that our new product releases will fuel the after-sale economy for product manufacturers in both industrial and consumer sectors.”

Support Contract Manager and Installed Base Manager are U.S. list priced starting at $70,000, and $50,000, respectively. For the price, Aftermind says it will also assist with installation, configuration and customization.

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  • Michael Singer
    Michael Singer

    Michael Singer is a career coach, podcast host, and author to help you step into a career you're excited about. Currently, He is a coach and trainer helping entrepreneurs and executives achieve business and leadership success. He is also an award-winning business journalist focused on the intersection of technology, Big Data, Cloud, SaaS, SAP, and other trending technology.

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