Blackbaud Social Launches for Nonprofits

Mark J

Updated · Aug 24, 2010

Blackbaud has announced the launch of Blackbaud Social, a new offering that provides social media solutions for nonprofits to create both private-label and public socially-enabled communities. As mentioned in this company news release, Blackbaud Social is the only integrated social platform that offers organizations an easy way to extend their mission, access user data, and leverage it for meaningful constituent engagement.

“‘Nonprofits see the rapidly growing potential of leveraging social media to acquire new constituents and engage them with their mission and programs,' said Marc Chardon, Blackbaud's chief executive officer. ‘Blackbaud Social finally gives organizations the ability to integrate their social media strategy with their overall communications, and most importantly, with their CRM.'

“Blackbaud Social is a complementary solution to the company's existing suite of fundraising, Internet, and constituent relationship management (CRM) solutions. When integrated with Blackbaud Sphere®, it creates the most comprehensive online solution for social media, email marketing, online event management, website management, and advocacy. With Blackbaud Social, nonprofits can drive awareness and traffic from public networks such as Facebook®, Twitter®, and YouTube® to their own private-label house social networks where constituents can meaningfully engage. Blackbaud Social enhances an organization's ability to more effectively communicate and gain insight into constituent behavior. With a single sign-in, the platform supports bi-directional data transfer to personalize a user's experience while capturing key data in the user's CRM profile.”

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