Predixion SoftwareOffers New Product to Run Cloud-Based Predictive Models
Predixion and Zementis have announced a partnership to accelerate widespread adoption, use and reuse of predictive analytics models. As noted in the company's online news release, it has launched Predixion PMML Connexion, an interface that provides Predixion Insight, the company's low-cost, self-service in the cloud predictive analytics solution, direct and seamless access to SAS, SPSS (IBM) and other predictive models for use by Predixion Insight customers. The
company claims Predixion PMML Connexion enables companies to leverage their significant investments in legacy predictive analytics solutions at a fraction of the cost of conventional licensing and maintenance fees.
“The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) standard allows for true interoperability, offering a mature standard for moving predictive models seamlessly between platforms. Predixion has fully integrated this PMML functionality into Predixion Insight, meaning Predixion Insight users can now effortlessly import PMML-based predictive models, enabling information workers to score the models in the cloud from anywhere and publish reports using Microsoft Excel® and SharePoint®. In addition, models can also be written back into SAS, SPSS and other platforms for a truly collaborative, interoperable solution.”
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