Responses to Chatter in Beta Staff

Updated · Feb 25, 2010

Users see the solution as extremely useful, through the lack of access for users not on Salesforce is source of frustration.'s Jo Maitland looks at the responses that users have had thus far to's private beta of its Chatter collaboration tool.

"The Bay Area Chapter of the American Red Cross plans to use Chatter for the part of its organization that runs shelters," Maitland writes. "'People can see what's in them, where the food is and what needs to be refreshed,' said Harold Brooks, CEO of the Bay Area Chapter. ‘In an emergency, we need this kind of information fast.'"

"Not everybody at the chapter will be able to use it, however, as they aren't all on the Salesforce platform, he said," Maitland adds.

Click on the following to read the article: Salesforce users respond to Chatter private beta

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