Yoga Industry Statistics – By Region, Benefits, Demographic, Facts and Type

Barry Elad

Updated · Jan 09, 2023

Yoga Industry Statistics – By Region, Benefits, Demographic, Facts and Type


Yoga Industry Statistics: Yoga is one of the most popular and effective forms of exercise. Since the pandemic, people have turned to Yoga than going to Gyms other than bodybuilders. Yoga costs nothing if you practice it at home. Yoga consists of various asanas which are beneficial separately for each part of the body. The yoga industry is expected to become a billion-dollar industry in the coming years due to its high demand. In this Yoga industry statistics, we will have a look at general statistics, and statistics by region, by demographic along with the benefits of Yoga and some asanas to name a few.

Yoga Industry Statistics (Editor’s Choice)

  • There are 84 known and classical asanas as described by Lod Shiva.
  • The yoga industry is supposed to reach $66.23 by the year 2027.
  • Asia Pacific Yoga industry is expected to grow with a CAGR of 10.8% by the year 2027.
  • Yoga originated in ancient India
  • There are over 300 million regular yoga practitioners around the world.
  • The overall Yoga industry is worth $37.46 billion as stated by Yoga industry statistics.
  • Yoga improves breathing functioning, sleep cycle, brain functioning, and immunity and gives a perfect body posture.
  • Yoga practice is banned in Muslim-like countries as well as in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • The top three countries with Yoga popularity are Canada, Singapore, and Australia.
  • There are around 20,000 Yoga centers around the world.

What is Yoga?

The word Yoga is retrieved from yuj. The word has various meanings. Various asana in Yoga is a way to relax the body and provide peace to the mind. Yoga originated in ancient India. Since the past few years, Yoga has been seen being practiced in every corner of the world. Rishikesh is India’s known Yoga capital and motivates you to shift your bad lifestyle to a good lifestyle.

Types Of Asana In Yoga

Yoga has various asanas which provide benefits to different parts of the body. Following are some of the basic Yogasanas.

#1. Bhujangasana

This asana is useful for the spine. It can relax the back portion and make it more flexible. Moreover, along with the spine, nerves and back muscles are also benefited.

#2. Halasana

This asana benefits the spinal area and gives proper stretch to the arms, spine, shoulders, and back muscles. It can help to reduce obesity. This asana has the ability to treat constipation and indigestion problems.

#3. Sarvangasana

The word itself provides the meaning of the benefits of the asana. Sarvangasana can be translated into all parts in English. This asana focuses on every part of the body and regulates protein synthesis, blood circulation, thyroid gland, and metabolism. It has the ability to reduce the risk of insomnia, mental anxiety, and depression.

#4. Shirsasana

Shirsasana is the primary asana above all other others in Yoga. This asana is one of the most difficult postures to perform but has commendable benefits for the body. Shirsasana can positively impact the respiratory system. It can improve concentration levels and memory.

#5. Vajrayana

Vajrayana can easily reduce belly fat and make the body more flexible. It can improve digestion. Moreover, the back portion is also stretched along the way.

Yoga Benefits

  • Regular practice of Yoga aids in stress relief.
  • Yoga has the ability to refresh the mind and can improve the mental health
  • It can also be a reason to lead a healthy life.
  • Yoga helps to change bad habits into good habits and regular dieting, therefore improving the quality of life.
  • Moreover, with regular days of Yoga practice, the strength of the body is improved and issues such as digestion problems, and poor blood circulation are automatically solved.
  • Yoga improves breathing functioning, sleep cycle, brain functioning, and immunity and gives a perfect body posture.

General Yoga Industry Statistics

  • According to Yoga industry statistics, there are 84 known and classical asanas as described by Lod Shiva. There are also many other asanas that have no names but are performed on a regular level.
  • There are over 300 million regular yoga practitioners around the world.
  • The United States of America has 36 million people doing Yoga regularly.
  • According to Yoga industry statistics, 42.2% of people practice Yoga during the night.
  • 80% of people practice it regularly for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • 2% of the people have a habit of doing Yoga at uneven times.
  • The market for Yoga is expected to increase by 5.8% by the year 2025.
  • On average, a person who practices Yoga regularly spends around $62,000 on Yoga accessories, related workshops, classes, etc…
  • On average Yogi (the person who practices Yoga) is ready to spend $40 for every Yoga session.
  • Yoga classes in the United States of America share a total market of 51.3%.
  • 67% of people around the world practice Yoga at home. 32% practice it outdoors, while 43% of the Yogis love to do Yoga during Gym sessions. 38% of the people are practicing in Yoga studios and 20% go to Yoga wellness festivals.
  • Reasons given by the people who practice Yoga resulted in 27% of the people saying they want some me time. Whereas 21% of the people practice Yoga because they feel lonely. 52% of people want to get strong and 54% practice Yoga to reduce stress.
  • The average salary of a Yoga instructor in the United States of America is $41,000 approximately.
  • The overall Yoga industry is worth $37.46 billion as stated by Yoga industry statistics.
  • The yoga industry is supposed to reach $66.23 by the year 2027.
  • Yoga practice is banned in Muslim-like countries as well as in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • There are around 20,000 Yoga centers around the world.
  • 42% of the residents in the United States of America believe that Yoga improves personal well-being as stated by Yoga industry statistics.
  • Whereas 41% of US residents believe that daily Yoga practices improve inner peace.
  • Majority of the people in the United States of America practice Yoga between 6 am to 10 am.
  • 18% of the people said they will start doing Yoga next year.
  • Considering the Yoga industry statistics, the global health club industry has $96.7 billion in market size.
  • 53% of the women who faced menstrual problems were cured by daily Yoga practices.
  • Around 50% of Yoga doers focus on meditation.
  • As per the Yoga industry statistics, more than 50% of the people are ready to volunteer in the Yoga industry.
  • The yoga industry is included in almost every sector such as apparel, online classes, tourism, studios, tourism, etc.….
  • 24% of the Yoga practitioners believe that doing Yoga is a spiritual practice.

  • As of June 2021, Yoga industry statistics there are many mobile applications on iOS and android downloaded over the world.
  • Calm is the top downloaded application in the world with 9.6 million overall downloads.
  • Yoga Go and Headspace applications have similar downloads with a recorded number of 5.2 million each.
  • Whereas Meditopia recorded 4.6 million downloads.
  • Other Yoga and meditation applications such as Yoga for weight loss and daily yoga for everyone were downloaded 1.4 million times from around the world as stated by Yoga industry statistics.
  • The other two applications which appeared in the top list were Universal breathing and essential emotions with 1.3 and 1.2 million respectively.
  • As stated by the studies of Yoga industry statistics, 12% of Yogis are vegetarians.
  • 50% of the people who do Yoga are around $75,000 every year. Whereas 12% of the people earn less than $19,000.
  • While 78% of the people are educated at the college or university level.
  • Around 10% of people experience injuries after Yoga sessions.
  • The headstand Yoga position has been proven to be the most dangerous pose than any other pose.
  • Common parts of the body where injuries are experienced are feet, ankles, hips, and knees.
  • As per the Yoga industry statistics, 80% of Yoga practitioners feel connected to nature by means of doing Yoga.

By Demographics

  • As stated by Yoga industry statistics, the above chart provides information about females and males who have occasionally practiced Yoga in the selected countries.
  • As of April 2022, South Korea has 44% females and 9% males who have practiced Yoga on an occasional level.
  • Whereas the United Kingdom has 8% males and 32% females, similarly India recorded 31% female population and 24% male population with time-to-time yoga habits.
  • Spain and the United States of America have a similar percentage of the female population with occasional Yoga practices resulting in 30% both.
  • Whereas the male population in both countries is 8% in Spain and 11% in the USA.
  • Similarly, Germany, China, and France have 27%, 26%, and 17% female populations and 6%, 4%, and 5% male populations having once while habits Yoga practices respectively.
  • The overall Yoga practitioners are 72% women and 28% men.

  • The above chart provides information on the Australian population practicing Yoga in the year 2022 as per the Yoga industry statistics.
  • There were 11.2 thousand people who were from the age group of 15 years to 17 years old.
  • People from the age group 18 years to 24 years were around 77.9 thousand.
  • The highest participation in Yoga was from the age group of people from 25 years to 34 years with a recorded number of 374.6 thousand.
  • There were 312.2 thousand people and 293.2 thousand people from the age group of 35 years to 44 years and 45 years to 54 years accordingly.
  • In Australia, the recorded population from the baby bloomers club is 254.3 thousand from the age group of 55 years to 64 years and 177.8 thousand from 65 years and above.

By Region

  • There are 21% of the population in Canada practice Yoga on a regular level.
  • Out of these 35% of the practitioners are from the age group of 18 years to 34 years.
  • 16% of yoga practitioners reside in Quebec.
  • In India, 24% of the Yoga practitioners are Christian, 29% are Muslim, 38% are Buddhists, 50% are Sikhs, 61% are Jain and 36% are Hindus.
  • 33% of Yoga practitioners in the United States of America have done Yoga at least once in their lifetime.
  • 98% of the population in the USA are either at beginner level or intermediate level of practicing Yoga.
  • As per the Yoga industry statistics, 74% of Yoga doers have been practicing for lesser than 5 years.
  • In the USA, 22% of the Yogis (the person who practices Yoga) reside in West America, 32% reside in the South, and 23% of the population reside in the Northeast and Midwest.
  • the Yoga industry statistics say that in the USA the industry has increased at a rate of 4.6% from the year 2017 to 2022.
  • Asia Pacific Yoga industry is expected to grow with a CAGR of 10.8% by the year 2027.
  • Australia’s Yoga industry is increasing year by year at a 2.2% rate which is currently worth $621 million.
  • Yoga is famous in the United States of America in the states such as Vermont, Colorado, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Rhode Island.
  • Yoga is most famous as per the Yoga industry statistics in studies with Google trends. The top three countries with Yoga popularity are Canada, Singapore, and Australia.

(Reference: Yogabasics)

  • India and Nepal have the most pocket-friendly Yoga retreats.


In today’s world when everyone is occupied with stress and office work and finds no time to go outside and exercise, doing Yoga is a recommended practice. Yoga is the only form of exercise which benefits every part of the body. Beginners can start Yoga with basic asanas which can make your body flexible and refresh your mind. Moreover, there are online videos that you can watch free of cost to learn basic Yoga postures and techniques, which you can later turn into a habit of Yoga practice at home. There’s no specific age at which you should start doing it but do it as early as possible to live a healthy and long life!

  • Statistics
  • FAQ.

    Does Yoga improve overall health?

    Yes. Yoga perfectly balances every part of the body with regular Yoga practices and well maintain diet.

    Can I eat before Yoga?

    No. you are not recommended to eat anything 1 hour before Yoga. Also, eat some light food before practicing.

    Can I do Yoga at home?

    Yes. Of course, you can do it at home, but you should gain proper knowledge about each posture before practicing.

    What if your body is not flexible, are you recommend doing Yoga?

    Yes. Even if your body is not flexible, you can start with some basic stretching exercises and then slowly shift to Yoga which will eventually loosen up your body and make it flexible.

    Barry Elad
    Barry Elad

    Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.

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