Management Software

IT Getting a Grip on Mobile Apps

Many folks believe the enterprise mobility trend has left IT organizations vainly struggling to contain rogue mobile devices…

CDW Aims to Fill Mobile App Gap

Both Google Play and Apple’s iOS App Store offer options that allow companies to distribute proprietary applications to…

Adaptive Planning Gets New Brand

Adaptive Planning, a provider of cloud-based business and financial analytics, is changing its brand name to Adaptive Insights,…

DIY App Builders: a Buying Guide

Many companies’ IT departments are strapped for cash and human resources, which means that business users don’t always…

Worst ‘Shadow’ IT Offender? IT

When addressing the problem of so-called “shadow” IT – the use of unauthorized business applications, a trend facilitated…

5 Top Tablet Conferencing Apps

As mentioned in an earlier article, tablet-based conferencing is a rapidly growing niche of the Web conferencing market.…