Video Conferencing Statistics By Usage, Productivity, Device Used, Places, Platform, Countries, Industries and Region

Barry Elad

Updated · Aug 21, 2023

Video Conferencing Statistics By Usage, Productivity, Device Used, Places, Platform, Countries, Industries and Region


Video Conferencing Statistics: As to reports, the market of video conferencing has enhancing during the time of the pandemic as the demands of remote jobs have increased. The global market share is expected to reach $95 billion by the end of 2032. It has also been expected that by the end of 2025, the use of video conferencing will be enhanced more as above 36.2 million American companies are planning to available remote work. Video conferencing has become an integral part of both sectors of business and education by enabling better opportunities for working across the world.

This Video Conferencing Statistics includes insights from various aspects that provide light on why Video Conferencing is an important source of connection for every sector of organizations.

Editor’s Choice

  • In 2022, the global market of video conferencing turned out to be $10.6 billion and by the end of 2027, it is expected to be $19.1 billion.
  • Zoom video conferencing has crossed the usage of Skype by enabling daily 300 million Zoom meetings in the communications industry.
  • The platform of video conferencing mainly allows for hiring, and communication in which 94% of HR leaders resulted more productive by working remotely.
  • The market penetration of video conferencing software has roughly increased by 65% by the end of 2022.
  • It has been observed that the biggest challenge of video conferences is software or technical issues, which was accepted by 58% professional of global surveyors.
  • The communication experience has increased by implementing video conferencing in 2022, which was agreed by 99% of worldwide employees.

Video Conferencing Stat(Reference:

Facts About Video Conferencing

  • As of 2023, in the United States, 37.82% of employees work through video conferencing, weekly once or twice, whereas 13% of employees used it 3 to 5 times, and 12% of employees used it more than five times.
  • The rate of video conferencing meetings was higher on Monday as compared to Friday it was observed that 75.6% of employees preferred a particular day or time for scheduled meetings.
  • While 49% of employees who attended meetings via video conference felt more exhausted.
  • Employees across the world who attended virtual meetings experienced the greatest challenge in Zoom conferences agreed to 31% of respondents, in which 13.8% of women felt highly fatigued and 5.5% of women felt extremely tired.
  • As of 2023, around 40% of worldwide companies or organizations were using video conferencing for hiring employees for remote work.
  • By the end of 2022, it has claimed that physical meetings were similar to video conferences, which was agreed by 79% of respondent employees.
  • The hiring time has been reduced by 50% and enables the process cost-effective over personal interviews.
  • Video conference has improved the process of hiring by enabling video interview, agreed by 88% of employers.
  • Whereas, 53% of job seekers by the end of 2022 have participated in job video interviews.
  • According to virtual meetings statistics, in 2022 the growth of the virtual market has grown by 77%.

Facts About Video Conferencing(Source:

General Video Conferencing Statistics

  • The largest market share of video conferencing was observed in the North American region with 39% by the end of 2022, which resulted in $2.72 billion.
  • By the end of 2023 in the United States the market of video conferencing is expected to reach $13.82 billion
  • According to Statista by the end of 2025, the platform of video conferencing in the Asia-Pacific region has reached $3.3 billion including the hiring processes, and by the end of 2026, it was expected to be $6.8 billion.
  • Video conferencing is used by organizations in the hiring process as it allows for reducing hiring time, enables better scheduling flexibility and the rate of cancellation reduces, makes the process easier by including other team members, and allows for a bigger pool of potential hires.
  • In North America, companies that used video conferencing the most were Microsoft, Apple, and Meta.
  • On the other hand, the biggest growth driver of video conferencing was business processes outsourcing and by the end of 2030, the market share is going to reach $526 billion.
  • Due to the implantation of video conferencing, 25% of employees across the world wanted to work remotely for the rest of their life, 14% wanted to work from the office on fixed days, and 10% preferred to work from on-site.
  • Almost 66% of employees preferred using video conferencing to other communication tools in the 1st quarter of 2022.
  • By the end of 2032, the market share of global video conferencing has expected to reach $95 billion.
  • As of 2023, remote employees by 64% preferred the most hybrid conference which includes video and call.
  • Video conference meetings were managed by 43% of employees from their cars.

By Usage

  • Video conferencing is becoming the new normal trend of worldwide work-centric employees by the end of 2022.
  • Less than 4 hours were spent on video conferencing per week by 46.15% of employees.
  • 4 to 12 hours were spent by 36.98% of employees on attending online meetings.
  • Exact 12 hours and less was spent on a weekly basis by 83.13 of employees.
  • 4.73% of employees have spent more than half of the week attending meetings through video conferencing.
  • According to the reports of Dialpad, video conference meetings between 3 to 6 participants last for 30 minutes.
  • whereas, meetings with more than 20 employees lasted more than 70 minutes
  • As of reports 2022, it has been observed that Wednesday meetings via video conference lasted for 45 minutes was the peak and Friday meetings average timing was 40 minutes remained the shortest time.
  • As of 2023, effective video meeting takes around 13 minutes or less time. 

By Market Share

Video Conferencing By Market Share(Source:

  • Revenue earned by software video conferencing in 2022 resulted out $25 billion and by 2032 it is expected to be $95 billion
  • As of 2023, the segment valuation of video conferencing in the hardware segment has grown by 10% of CAGR, which is followed by the Telepresence segment by more than 30% of CAGR, AND the Corporate enterprise application segment (10%)
  • Whereas the market size of video conferencing in Asia Pacific has increased by 15% CAGR.

By Productivity

Video Conferencing by Productivity(Source:

  • Professionals by 43% believed that video conference meetings helped employees resulting in more productivity.
  • While attending meetings through video conferencing it has been observed that 45% of employees have turned off their audio or video by the end of 2022.
  • According to Dialpad reports of 2022, every online conference meeting doesn’t require video said by 89.9% of employees and 44.94% of employees doesn’t believe in sharing screen.
  • During the time of video conference, 90% of employees were multitasking in which 10% were always multitasking employees and 74% were occasional multitasked.
  • Cities in the United States that faced multitasking as a form of meeting distraction were Washington, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and Louisiana.
  • According to Polly and Zippia's reports, email checking was the most common off-task behavior of employees during video conferencing.
  • Unhelpful video conferences were a waste of time agreed by 32.7% of employees in the U.S.

By Challenges

Video Conferences By Challenges(Source:

  • Remote work and hybrid meetings include many challenges while attending video conferencing such as reduced focus, fatigue, and technical stress.
  • The highest pain point of video conferences was audio quality issues such as mute and unmute complaints, mic echo, and background noises.
  • Another top stressor in video conferences was creating meeting reports said by 28.6% of employees.
  • Webcams stressed employees a lot during meetings that resulted in fatigue agreed by 49% of employees, less stress with webcams agreed by 26% of employees, and 25% of employees disagreed the fact.
  • As of 2023, the biggest issues with video conferencing were lack of personal connection (24.7%), connection issues or technical problems (20.1%), brainstorming and collaboration difficulties (14.1%), and other reasons (4%)
  • According to Standford's research, 14% of women faced more meeting fatigue because of excessive eye contact than men. 

By Device Used

Video Conferencing Statistics by Device Used(Source:

  • As of now, 16% of worldwide companies is having 100% remote employees those were using spectacular video conferencing tools which allow them in advancing the process of video conferencing.
  • At the start of 2023, video conferences were accessed by 77% of employees by laptops and desktop computers.
  • Furthermore, video conferences were attended through conference room equipment by 34% of employees, which is followed by mobile phones (31%), and Tablets (13%).
  • Thus, 98% of survey respondents felt that video conference through every device has improved better collaboration and communication.
  • In the United States, day conference meetings are held by businesses of up to 11 million approximately.

By Places

  • According to the facts of video conferencing, remote employees not only attended meetings from offices and homes.
  • By the end of 2022, the most popular place for managing video conferences was the ‘Home Office’ by 51%.
  • The other places are followed by Co-working spaces (33%), Restaurants or coffee shops (24%), Bedrooms (21%), and airports (14%).
  • According to Velocity Global reports, 83% of remote workers remained more satisfied by using video conferencing from their comfortable places. 

By Platform

Video Conference Statistics by Platform(Source:

  • The top video conferencing platform that delivers enhanced marketing and sales promises was covered by Zoom 80%.
  • Furthermore, other platforms are followed by Team Viewer (74%), Google Hangouts Meet (73%), Cisco Webex Meetings (63%), and Blue Jeans Meetings (60%).
  • The below-average platforms that deliver on their sales and marketing promises are Go to Meeting (52%), Microsoft Teams (46%), and Skype for Business (45%). 

By Region

Video Conference by Region(Source:

  • In North America, remote jobs increased by 25%, and hybrid jobs increased by 33% by the end of 2022.
  • The video conferencing market share of the North American region increased by 40% at the start of 2022.
  • The other regions' stats are followed by Asia Pacific (28%), Europe (20%), Latin America (7%), and the Middle East and Africa (5%)

By Countries and Industries

United States

  • Business: 9%
  • Healthcare: 4%
  • Education: 10%
  • Events: 7%
  • Celebration: 5%
  • Entertainment: 8%
  • Fitness: 10%
  • Financial Services: 9%
  • Retail: 7%
  • Government: 11%
  • Real Estate: 5%


  • Business: 5%
  • Healthcare: 2%
  • Education: 5%
  • Events: 7%
  • Celebration: 2%
  • Entertainment: 7%
  • Fitness: 5%
  • Financial Services: 6%
  • Retail: 2%
  • Government: 8%
  • Real Estate: 4%


  • Business: 9%
  • Healthcare: 4%
  • Education: 10%
  • Events: 9%
  • Celebration: 5%
  • Entertainment: 14%
  • Fitness: 7%
  • Financial Services: 10%
  • Retail: 6%
  • Government: 14%
  • Real Estate: 6%


  • Business: 6%
  • Healthcare: 5%
  • Education: 8%
  • Events: 10%
  • Celebration: 6%
  • Entertainment: 13%
  • Fitness: 9%
  • Financial Services: 8%
  • Retail: 8%
  • Government: 8%
  • Real Estate: 7%

United Kingdom

  • Business: 6%
  • Healthcare: 3%
  • Education: 5%
  • Events: 4%
  • Celebration: 2%
  • Entertainment: 5%
  • Fitness: 5%
  • Financial Services: 5%
  • Retail: 4%
  • Government: 8%
  • Real Estate: 2%


  • Business: 9%
  • Healthcare: 4%
  • Education: 7%
  • Events: 8%
  • Celebration: 2%
  • Entertainment: 9%
  • Fitness: 7%
  • Financial Services: 8%
  • Retail: 7%
  • Government: 14%
  • Real Estate: 6%


  • Business: 4%
  • Healthcare: 3%
  • Education: 5%
  • Events: 4%
  • Celebration: 2%
  • Entertainment: 5%
  • Fitness: 5%
  • Financial Services: 4%
  • Retail: 5%
  • Government: 5%
  • Real Estate: 2%

By Software Spending

Video Conference Statistics by Software Spending(Source:

  • The software spending was more on IT and computer software sectors, whereas other sectors are followed by financial services, medical and healthcare, education, and marketing and advertising sectors.
  • In 2022, the spending of IT spending on video conferencing has resulted in $4.4 trillion which has increased by 4%.
  • The spending on data center systems has reached $207 billion with an increase of 5.8%.
  • Furthermore, spending followed by enterprise software resulted in the highest growth rate with 11.5%, communication services spending reached up to $1.48 trillion, worldwide end-user spending on cloud services ($494.7 billion),
  • Software-as-a-service ($176.6 billion), public cloud ecosystem ($44 billion).

By Software Developers

  • As of 2023, in the United States, the industry of video conferencing software developers is expected to reach 9.4% CAGR resulting in $13 billion.
  • The top companies of video conferencing software developers in the U.S. were Zoom Video Communications Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Google Inc., Cisco Webex, and Alphabet Inc.
  • In 2022, the market size of the software developer industry turned out to be $11.8 billion in the U.S. which has increased by 6.7% from last year.
  • The market size of software developers has increased faster than the overall economy and enabled increased opportunities.
  • The growth of the video conferencing software market in North America is expected to be $9,498.582 million by the end of 2027.

By Reasons

  • Video conferences allow for reducing the traveling costs accepted by 47% of remote users who have used video conferences.
  • On the other hand, 31% of video conference users accepted that it provides an easy-to-use solution.
  • Provided high-quality video calls for remote worker teams (31%), standardized the company’s video conferencing software (17%), simplified the start of meeting setup (14%), and reduced costs (7%).

Recent Developments in Video Conference Technology

  • In January 2022, Cisco collaborated with Lockheed Martin and Amazon for enabling far-field voice technology, tablet-based, and artificial intelligence-based video communication.
  • In May 2022, Iristick collaborated with Microsoft and its team for enabling the process of multifunctional video conferencing. Whereas, Zoom delivered elevated customer service experience to various global companies for retaining new contacts and better customer support possibilities.
  • By the end of August 2022, HP announced establishing a more growth-oriented portfolio for enhancing better opportunities for remote and hybrid employees.
  • Whereas, in October 2022, Cisco partnered with Microsoft for creating Cisco meeting room devices. 


As of now after completing the article on Video Conferencing Statistics it has been observed that for managing a successful hybrid and remote workforce video conferences have turned out to be a critical element. This allows remote teams of different organizations to replicate the collaborative experience of in-person meetings by reducing time and expenses. It has also been observed that it is not mandatory for employees to return office for attending video conferences. Thus, the article includes several important statistics that will help in understanding the significant role of companies across the world.

  • Statistics
  • FAQ.

    Who are the major players operating in the video conferencing market?

    As video conferencing have become the new normal in current days thus the key trends includes hybrid meetings, 3D teleconferencing, 4K streaming, hybrid meetings, and AI-powered interactive tools. These above platforms have increased the quality and performance level of every company.

    Who are the major players operating in the video conferencing market?

    The major market players are Microsoft Corporation, Orange Business Services, Polycom Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., Atlassian Corporation Plc., Cisco Systems Inc., Fuze, Inc., Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd., Visual Systems Group Inc., West Corporation, ZTE Corporation JOYCE CR, S.R.O., Logitech International S.A., LogMeIn Inc., Vidyo.Inc.

    What are top requirement of using video conference?

    The top 6 requirement of video conference are high-resolution camera, sufficient network bandwidth, good video conferencing software, fast computer processing, video conferencing system, and video display screen.

    Barry Elad
    Barry Elad

    Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.

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