Victoria’s Secret Spices Up Its Shopping With Fireclick
It's sexy, it's fun and it takes sooooo long to order any thing at Victoria's Secret. At least that is the common misconception at the lingerie retailer's online site, according to Webmasters who say the site's graphic-rich pages frequently violate the “eight second rule” (the traditional benchmark for site retention).
“We recognize that many of our customers are still connecting to the Internet using 56k modems,” says Victoria's Secret vice president of New Media Ken Weil. “Out of our current customers, only a small percentage have broadband access, so most were experiencing 56K site performance.”
Keeping up with the need for speed for online shopping, Victoria Monday announced it will use Los Altos, Calif.-based Fireclick‘s Netflame technology to accelerate its online catalogue to give customers a faster Internet shopping experience.
Now using Fireclick's caching technology, is giving four second page downloads for its customers with 56K modems. That is ten times faster than before according to Victoria's Secret executives.
The intimate apparel and beauty products retailer says it will also use Fireclick's “RealTime InSite,” a feature the company says can even predict a shopper's next move.
“Our merchandising managers can see exactly which products visitors are looking at and compare that to what they're buying,” said Ken Weil of Victoria's Secret. “We could never easily do that with standard Web log analysis tools.”
Fireclick says it can do this by displaying current site traffic patterns in a graphical interface. The hosted service allows Web managers to distinguish vital information about its online customers.
And you thought in-store lingerie shopping was embarrassing!
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Michael Singer is a career coach, podcast host, and author to help you step into a career you're excited about. Currently, He is a coach and trainer helping entrepreneurs and executives achieve business and leadership success. He is also an award-winning business journalist focused on the intersection of technology, Big Data, Cloud, SaaS, SAP, and other trending technology.