Breast Cancer Statistics – By Demographics, Region, Type and Mortality Rate

Ketaki Joshi

Updated · Mar 13, 2023

Breast Cancer Statistics – By Demographics, Region, Type and Mortality Rate


Breast Cancer Statistics: Unfortunately, Cancer like disease is increasing globally due to bad lifestyles and habits. But thanks to technology the rate of life expectancy, early-stage diagnosis, and survival rates have increased as well. According to the studies, breast cancer is the most common in women due to various factors. Fortunately, we observe global cancer awareness month in October every year. In such ways, various communities come together as support groups.

These breast cancer statistics represent the data collected from a global perspective. As responsible citizens of each country, we must take proper steps against cancer patients to keep them motivated for a cheerful life.

Editor’s Choice

  • Currently, there are around 3.5 million survivors in the United States of America.
  • The risk associated with getting diagnosed with breast cancer is around 95% in women aged 40 years and above.
  • Every year, around 220,000 women in the United States of America are at risk of getting diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
  • Breast cancer is 100 times more common in women than men as stated by Breast cancer statistics.
  • Around the world, breast cancer has become the second leading cause of death among women.
  • 1 out of 1000 men is at risk of getting diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • The mortality rate due to breast cancer has been reduced because of technological inventions.
  • Around the world, 18.1 million people are cancer survivors.
  • Breast cancer statistics say that by the year 2032, the number of breast cancer survivors will increase by 24% resulting in 22.5 million survivors.

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is more commonly seen in women than men is a cancer that is developed from breast tissue. There are 18 subtypes of breast cancer recognized today. The confirmation of breast cancer can be made by biopsy of the concerned tissue. There are many other reasons for developing cancer in the body, but an unhealthy lifestyle is a major reason. Today, we are lucky enough to get treatments for such diseases. There are many patients who successfully recovered from any mentioned stage and living their life to the fullest. If you are feeling any of the small symptoms consult your doctor immediately.

Types Of Breast Cancer

  • Invasive breast cancer: This type of cancer surrounds the tissue around the breast.
  • Inflammatory breast cancer: This is the most aggressive type of breast cancer which blocks the lymph vessels in the skin resulting in an inflamed breast.
  • Triple-negative breast cancer: Another type of aggressive breast cancer that doesn’t have progesterone receptors or estrogen. Moreover, it also doesn’t produce the appropriate level of protein.
  • Phyllodes tumor: This type of tumor is very rare and develops a connecting tissue of the breast in ducts and lobules.
  • Paget disease of the breast: This type of cancer is also rare with only 1 to 3% found out of all the other types of cases. It begins in breast ducts and spreads to the nipple skin and after the dark circle of the nipple.
  • Angiosarcoma: This type of cancer develops in blood or lymph vessels.

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

  • Change in the color of the nipples.
  • Change in the shape or size of the breast.
  • Discharge from any of the breasts.
  • Swelling or lump under armpits.
  • Thickened tissue in either of the breast.
  • Change in the look or feel of the skin, rash, or redness.
  • Nipples being sunken into the breast.

(Pain in the breast in most cases is not a symptom of breast cancer, it may happen due to the menstrual cycle. )

Causes Of Breast Cancer

  • Having excessive weight in the body increases the risk of cancer.
  • Drinking limitless alcohol.
  • Inherited genes can increase the risk of cancer.
  • A family or personal history of cancer.
  • Too much radiation exposure.
  • Giving birth at an older age, more specifically after the age of 30 years.
  • Menopause treatments to reduce.
  • Women who had a late beginning for menopause.
  • Increasing age can cause cancer.
  • Specific to breast cancer, being a female increases the risk more than men.
  • Never being pregnant.
  • Following an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Lack of exercise.

Prevention Of Breast Cancer

  • Consume enough healthy food by eating vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit alcohol use.
  • Eat limited processed meat and meat products.
  • Maintain physical weight and keep your body active.
  • Avoid sunrays at noon, cover the skin, and stay in the shade.
  • Get vaccinated if required against Hepatitis B and Human papillomavirus.
  • Perform safe sex.
  • Don’t share or reuse needles.
  • Perform regular body checkups.
  • Don’t do drugs or tobacco.

General Breast Cancer Statistics

  • Breast cancer is 100 times more common in women than men as stated by Breast cancer statistics.
  • In the year 2022, around 287,850 new cases were diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Invasive breast cancer is more common in women aged 55 or above.
  • Every year, in the United States of America, around 2,670 men get diagnosed with breast cancer and 500 are likely to die.
  • Moreover, in the United States of America, every 2 minutes a woman gets diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Currently, there are around 3.5 million survivors in the United States of America.
  • The mortality rate due to breast cancer has been reduced because of technological inventions.
  • Every year, around 220,000 women in the United States of America are at risk of getting diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
  • Women who regularly do medical checkups for breast cancer have a low risk of dying compared to those who don’t.
  • Around the world, breast cancer has become the second leading cause of death among women.
  • The risk associated with getting diagnosed with breast cancer is around 95% in women aged 40 years and above.
  • Breast cancer statistics say that, in the United States of America, 1 out of 8 women are diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime.
  • On the other hand, 1 out of 1000 men is at risk of getting diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Around the world, 18.1 million people are cancer survivors.
  • Breast cancer statistics say that by the year 2032, the number of breast cancer survivors will increase by 24% resulting in 22.5 million survivors.
  • There 69% of survivors lived more than 5 years since diagnosis.
  • Around 18% of survivors have lived more than 20 years and 47% have lived more than 10 years.
  • Obesity in the body can increase the risk of breast cancer.
  • Excessive alcohol drinking habit is also linked with the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Women with genetics are at a 65% risk of developing breast cancer.
  • 47% of women postpone the treatment because of the high costs.
  • According to Breast cancer statistics, limited education, poverty, and no access to health insurance are the causes of low survival rates.
  • Around 49% of the women delayed the procedure because they had no insurance.

By Demographics

By Ethnicity Lifetime Risk

  • Women from black ethnic backgrounds are associated with a high risk of dying from cancer.
  • Asian/Pacific Islanders have a low death rate.
  • On the other hand, Alaska Natives or American Indians have the lowest rate of developing breast cancer.
  • White women have a high risk of getting diagnosed with breast cancer.
Race and ethnicity  lifetime risk of breast cancer
Non-Hispanic White 14%
Non-Hispanic Black 12%
Non-Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander 12%
Hispanic 11%
Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native 10%


  • The lifetime risk for developing breast cancer according to ethnic background is higher for non-Hispanic white women resulting in 14%.
  • While non-Hispanic black women are at 12% risk of developing the disease.
  • 12% risk is recorded for the women from non-Hispanic Asia and Pacific Islanders.
  • 11% and 10% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer are associated with Hispanic and non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native women respectively.

By Region

By New Cases

(Source: IARC)

  • In the Asian region, the previous cases of cancer patients were 9,503,710. And estimates show that it will rise to 5,627,068 by the year 2040 at a rate of 59.2%.
  • Europe recorded 4 398 443 cases and an estimated number with a rate of 21% resulting in 5,323,141.
  • Similarly, Northern America and Latin America, and the Caribbean estimated numbers in the previous years were 2,556,862 and the estimated rise in new cancer patients by the year 2040 will be 3,525,597 and 2,435,315 respectively at a rate of 37.9% and 65.6%.
  • Furthermore, by the year 2040, Africa will experience an increase in cancer cases by 89.1% resulting in 2,097,365 which was 1,109,209 in the previous years.
  • Similarly, Oceana reported 254,291 cases. And by the year 2040, the estimated number will rise to 375,744 at 47.8%.

By Mortality Rate

(Source: IARC)

  • Considering the previous years, the estimated number of deaths for both genders was 9,958,133 million.
  • And for the year 2025, the breast cancer statistics say that the death toll will reach 11,367,651.


  • As of 2022, according to the Breast cancer statistics, women below the age of 40 were diagnosed with DCIS and invasive cases resulting in 2% and 4% cases with 1,230 and 10,850 respectively.
  • The number of death for both cases was 1,090 at 3%.
  • Similarly, DCIS and Invasive cases were found in women for the age group of 40 years to 49 years with 8,050 and 36,710 resulting in 16% and 13% each. The recorded number of deaths in these cases was collectively 2,950 at 7%.
  • There were 12,830 and 65,980 cases in each category at 26% and 23% from the age group of women from 50 years to 59 years. The death ratio for the same is 17% with the detected number 7,150.
  • Furthermore, the highest number of diagnosed cases and death were found in the age group of 60 years to 69 years with 16,030 for DCIS at 31% and 84,200  for invasive cases at 29%. The group recorded a death ratio of 24% with 10,270.
  • In the year 2022, there were 10,450 cases of DCIS cases at the rate of 20% and 61,470 with 21% of Invasive cases in the United States of America. These cases were reported in women from the age group of 70 years to 79 years.
  • The death ratio for the women of the age group between 70 years to 79 years is 23% resulting in 10,010.
  • And there were 2,810 cases of DCIS resulting in 5% and 28,640 resulting in 10% cases of Invasive in the United States of America from the age group of women 80 years and above.
  • The reported death cases collective from two types were 11,780 resulting in 27%.

By Type


  • As Of 2022, in the United States of America, the highest estimated percentage of cancer survivors was for breast cancer resulting in 4%.
  • For prostate and colorectal cancer types, the rate of survivors is 3.5% and 1.4% respectively.
  • Other rates for survival cases are as follows: Gynecologic (1.4%), Hematologic (1.5%), Bladder and Kidney (1.3%), Oral Cavity (0.3%), Lung (0.5%), Melanoma (1.5%), Thyroid (1%), and Testis (0.2%).


Comparing the cancer cases from older days, it makes us happy that the rate of survival has increased to save lives. Yet, the world is not cancer free. There are many patients around the globe struggling at different stages. Even though technological inventions are curing such people, in many cases, these types of facilities are not accessible to many people, and they stay isolated.

We cannot say that country is developing and inventing new technology and curing only a bunch of people. Not all people get the treatment. Thus, it is a kind request from our side, if you know someone with a similar problem acknowledge them with the available treatments for them, and they will live a happy life!

  • Statistics
  • FAQ.

    Can breast cancer be cured?

    Depending on the stage of breast cancer, many people successfully come out of the risk. But it is a must to get a treat at the right time. If you feel any slightest symptoms, consult your doctor urgently.

    How many years can you live with breast cancer?

    Typically, it depends on the person’s willpower as well as the quality of the medical treatment an individual is receiving. Many people around the world have successfully beat cancer and living a healthy and happy life even after 20+ years of diagnosis.

    How fast does breast cancer spread?

    The rate of growth depends on many factors but on average, it doubles in size every 6 months or 180 days. Cancer and its case are different for every person

    How costly are breast cancer treatments?

    The costs are varied according to the cancer stages, but a primary-stage treatment costs on average $48,477.

    Ketaki Joshi
    Ketaki Joshi

    By conducting scientific research, I write about illness, health and healthcare. As a professional medical writer, my experience includes creating feature articles for newsletters and websites as well as research news stories for doctors and researchers. Reading has been an integral part of me since childhood - I'm fan of "Friends" and the "Harry Potter series". Before this career, I was employed by a French multinational company. However, my passion for reading led me to pursue writing professionally; my first Amazon-published short story entitled "The envelope that changed our lives" has recently been released. In my free moments, I enjoy long bike rides around town.

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