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Jack Aaronson

CRM Spotlight: ZoomInfo Launches FreshContacts

Users can gain two months of free access to ZoomInfo’s online database in exchange for their Outlook business contacts. ZoomInfo has announced the launch of FreshContacts, an offer of two free months of unlimited access to ZoomInfo’s online database of…

Making an E-Commerce Checklist

Is it me, or has this year flown by? It’s time to finish up the year’s major projects before the lockdown on development moves them from the “must be done by Q4 2004” to the “maybe next year” list. Not…

CRM Without a Direct Sales Channel

CRM is a no-brainer. Obviously, companies must react to customers’ needs and show them the “right” products to buy. They need to keep consumers interested in their products and encourage loyalty through superior products and services. What about companies that…

Mass Product Customization, Continued

So many of you e-mailed following my last column, here’s a follow-up. I’d specifically addressed mass customization of products, as opposed to the “mass customization” many people use when describing user experience. I’ve always found the differentiation between “personalization,” “customization,”…

Personalization, Meet Mass Customization

I just keynoted the World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization in Munich. It was wonderful to meet so many smart people, all thinking about the issues surrounding Mass Customization (MC) and personalization. MC is a fast-growing trend. What is…

ASAP’s Fables

“As soon as possible” (ASAP) is not as nebulous as you might think. Customers are innately aware of what an acceptable timeframe is for certain interactions. These expectations are generally based on the status quo, available information reporting, and communications…

Make Policies Positive

Every now and then, I get really inspired by a great piece of copywriting. Over the weekend, I was down at the Jersey Shore (Long Beach Island, for those in the area) and saw a really wonderful sign at the…

Making CRM Accessible

I talk a lot about building relationships with customers on their terms. Many of my columns focus on the different ways to interact with customers that make sense to them: understanding cultural differences, channel preferences, and language usage. What I…

Customer Service: Admit You Have a Problem

Last year, I wrote a column describing a horrible customer service experience with Virgin Atlantic Airlines. Last time, I detailed some user experience nightmares I had with other companies:,, and I’ve never received as much reader feedback…

Education as a CRM Tool

Employees are more loyal to companies that invest in their education. Can we extrapolate this idea and say customers are more loyal to companies that invest in their customers’ education? I think the answer is yes. Customer education can be…

Needs-Based Browsing

Needs-based search was the subject of my last column. The natural evolution of a discussion about needs-based design is to talk about the browsing experience. A lot of people have talked about variants of this idea, but given the number…

You Say Tomato, I Say T-Shirt

The Internet hosts two basic types of users: browsers and searchers. Personalization projects tend to focus on browsers, not searchers. The problem is 80 to 90 percent of people who go online to buy products are searchers. This week, we…

A Unified Virgin

On the surface, I love Virgin Atlantic Airways. It succeeded in setting itself apart from every other boring airline. It’s cool. It’s daring. It’s sexy. It understands a customer-centric experience. Or is it just a fa&#199ade? Under the covers, does…

Personalization With No Budget, Part 2

Can personalization exist in a world without money or resources? That’s the question I posed and began to answer last time, in the first partof this article. It’s a question I’m sure many marketers are asking in these budget-strapped times,…

Designing a “My” Area

So many sites have “my” areas, whether they are as robust as a “My Yahoo!” or as simple as a “my account.” Regardless of its features, each of these areas has a similar purpose: to allow users to manage their…

Personalization With No Budget, Part 1

Personalization has always been associated with two other major things: technology and money. But since it’s early in the year, odds are, if your experiences are anything like mine, the following has happened to you: You submitted a budget last…