Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics 2024 By Concerns, Attitude, Potential Number of Jobs Lost to Automation and Rate of Adoption by Industry

Barry Elad

Updated · Feb 15, 2024

Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics 2024 By Concerns, Attitude, Potential Number of Jobs Lost to Automation and Rate of Adoption by Industry


Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics: Artificial intelligence has just been born and ruling the world already. AI can act like a human. Although AI is the biggest advantage to society, it has started to show some dangerous aspects as well. Many people have lost or will be losing their jobs in the future due to such technology.

Let’s take an example, ChatGPT has already shaken the world with its ability to respond like humans, thus people working in the creative industry are more prone to job loss events. These Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics will show how risky AI has become to at least 50% of the population in the world today.

Editor’s Choice

  • 50% of the companies around the world said they have at least one sector using AI in their company.
  • By 2030, it is expected that around 800 million human-performed jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence.
  • By 2025, Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics state that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will create 97 million jobs around the world.
  • It is estimated that around 12 million workers in lower-wage jobs are 14x more needing to change their occupations as compared to employees in higher-wage positions.
  • Currently, amazon’s warehouses are already set to replace human workers with 100,000 robots.
  • It is expected that workers aged between 18 to 34 years and 50+ resulting in 804,000 and 217,000 respectively will be affected in the food preparation industry.
  • As of 2023, the AI Readiness index of government states the United States of America has the highest index ranking representing 84.8, considering every other sector in the country for artificial intelligence.
  • By 2030, 30% of the work may be replaced by artificial intelligence forever.
  • As of 2023, majority of the Americans were worried about AI being used in malicious cyberattacks resulting in 80%.
  • As of 2023, in the USA, the majority of companies were looking forward to upskilling, reskilling, and investing in AI training tools.

General Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics

  • As of today, technology has replaced 42% of jobs around the world.
  • 37% of employees are worried about AI making their jobs outdated in the coming years.
  • On average, in a factory, a worker costs 10 times as much as a robot per 60 minutes.
  • By 2025, Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics state that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will create 97 million jobs around the world.
  • By 2030, it is expected that around 800 million human-performed jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence.
  • Furthermore, in 2024, financial corporations are planning to spend $110 billion on technology.
  • 50% of the companies around the world said they have at least one sector using AI in their company.
  • Currently, amazon’s warehouses are already set to replace human workers with 100,000 robots.
  • By 2030, 30% of the work may be replaced by artificial intelligence forever.
  • Furthermore, in a similar predicted year, 25% of Americans are at risk of losing their jobs to AI. Moreover, by 2030, the robotics industry is projected to become a $277 billion industry.
  • Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics state that less than 5% of jobs are at risk of complete replacement as of today.
  • 38% of companies said artificial intelligence is supporting their employees to perform better.
  • The most beneficial factor from AI is fraud detection as stated by 58% of people.
  • Around 52% of small businesses rely on AI for marketing analytics.
  • Furthermore, 41% of marketing professionals said their revenue and performance increased because of automation in the industry.
  • It is projected that half of the hours spent on work will be replaced by automation.
  • Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics state that more than 2,000 work-related activities may be eligible for automation as of today.
  • By 2025, the projected number of jobs replacements in every sector represents 85 million.
  •  It is estimated that around 12 million workers in lower-wage jobs are 14x more needing to change their occupations as compared to employees in higher-wage positions.
  • Industries or processes like legal, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, administrative work, agriculture, production, science, engineering, transportation, and prediction are more likely to be affected by AI applications.
  • On the other hand, event planners, graphic designers, software engineers, writers, human resources, lawyers, scientists, clergy members, psychiatrists, and project managers have comparatively fewer possibilities for job replacements by AI.
  • 17% of laborers are worried about losing their jobs due to AI and machines.
  • 37% of employees around the world are ready to upskill to save themselves from job loss due to technology.
  • By 2030, it is projected that around 20 million jobs in the manufacturing industry will be replaced by robots.
  •  In the restaurant industry, 82% of related positions may be automated out of which server positions will be
  • 51%, fast food counter workers 57%, waiters and waitresses 38%, and cooking and food prep positions 21% will be replaced.
  • 57% of jobs under $20 per hour payment are more likely to be replaced by AI in the next 20 years.
  • Furthermore, by 2030, 6 to 9% of people will be employed in such jobs that do not ever exist.

Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics Type of Jobs



In the coming years, the highest number of affected job positions will be in education and non-profit institutes resulting in 42%, followed by full-time jobs and small businesses equally at 36%. Comparatively, large companies have less risk of being affected by AI and automation.

By Concerns

By Cases



As of 2023, majority of the Americans were worried about AI being used in malicious cyberattacks resulting in 80%. However, looking at the above chart by Statista, 76% of Americans equally agree to AI being used for technology-related fraud, including attacks on personal identity. Furthermore, 50% agreed to lose their jobs to AI.

By Selected Jobs In Media And Entertainment



As of 2023, in the USA, considering the various thoughts on AI replacing the humans in mentioned sectors, Americans equally said they are very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned, and not at all concerned. Considering these thoughts, news reporters, book authors, TV show and movie writers, and movie animators are likely to balance their attitudes toward AI technology.

By Attitude

By Writing and Animation Industry



In 2023, the majority of the adults working in the writing and animation industry in the USA, aged between 18 and 65+ stated, that the government should put some restrictions on AI to prevent the replacement of humans. On the other hand, few voted Yes, probably and others said they didn’t have any opinion

By Book Authors



As of 2023, book authors in 2023 majority said the publishing industry should follow a code of conduct and ethical approach in terms of AI. On the other hand, 69% of authors felt threatened due to generative AI. 91% of authors support saying if the book has been written by AI then readers should know the reality. 70% stated publishers will start replacing human authors in part of the whole process.

By Interest in Reading AI-Generated Books



The majority of the readers in all age groups are not at all interested in reading AI-generated books. On the other hand, 18% have equal thoughts on not too interested and very interested.

By Potential Number of Jobs Lost to Automation


Predictions of Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics state that the food preparation industry is more likely to get hit by AI. It is expected that workers aged between 18 to 34 years and 50+ resulting in 804,000 and 217,000 respectively will be affected. Similarly, retail salespersons, cashiers, stock clears and order fillers, office clerks, cooks, secretaries and administrative assistants, and bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing professionals are most likely to lose their jobs in the future.

By Rate of Adoption by Industry



In the USA, in 2023, the Marketing and advertising industry has shown the highest rate of generative AI adoption resulting in 37%. Surprisingly, technology ranked second with 35%, followed by consulting (30%), teaching (19%), accounting (16%) and healthcare (15%).

By Solution to AI Replacing Human

By Company Responses



As of 2023, in the USA, the majority of companies were looking forward to upskilling, reskilling, and investing in AI training tools. 41% were planning to hire new employees, while 35% said they would be doing internal mentoring and coaching. 23% were looking to outsourcing. On the other hand, only 9% stated they don’t have any plans to overcome the skills gap.

By Industry


Shortly banking and insurance industries are more prone to automating working hours in the US. On the other hand, health and retail industries have a low potential for automation or augmentation.

By AI-Ready Governments by Country



As of 2023, the AI Readiness index of government states the United States of America has the highest index ranking representing 84.8, considering every other sector in the country for artificial intelligence. Overall, every selected country in the chart above is ready to face AI with more than 50 indexes.

By More Prone to be Replaced by Computers and Robots Countries

% Who Say Robots & Computers Will Do Much of The Work Currently Done By Humans

Country Percentage
Greece 91%
Japan 89%
Canada 84%
Argentina 82%
Poland 79%
Brazil 79%
South Africa 73%
Italy 73%
Hungary 66%
United States 65%


In the coming year, Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics showed Greece is more likely to be affected by technology resulting in 91%, followed by Japan (89%) and Canada (84%). Other countries on the list include Argentina, Poland, Brazil, South Africa, Italy, Hungary, and the USA. Overall, every listed country will be replacing more than half of the human workforce.

By Ranking of Technologies Likely to be Adopted



The most likely top three technologies that will be adopted in the future are digital platforms and apps, education & workforce development tech, and big-data analytics. Other technologies include cloud computing, AR/VR, robots, electric and autonomous vehicles, etc. The rate of adoption of every mentioned technology is more than 50%.


Automation is coming near and almost every industry is getting ready to replace its human workforce with robotics. AI has already entered into the daily work duties of many employees. Although Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics show how it will negatively affect many lives without upskilling, it will still create many jobs that will be needed to look after such technology.

Thus, by 2030, global spending on AI and automation is projected to increase for every industry. However, it is also important for such companies to help upskill their employees to stay in the market. Incorporating too much technology in businesses is also similarly harmful.

  • Employment and Workplace Statistics
  • Statistics
  • FAQ.

    What percentage of risk does AI on jobs pose?

    As seen in these Technology Replacing Jobs Statistics, almost 50% of the jobs in industries are on the verge of being replaced by AI, then it becomes clear that 50% risk is created in any kind of industry you are working in.

    Which jobs are less likely to be replaced by AI?

    According to Forbes, the following jobs AI can’t do or are less likely to be replaced in the future, skilled trades, teaching and education, social work, caregivers of disabled and elderly persons, research and development, and therapists and counselors.

    Which jobs are more likely to be replaced by AI?

    Similarly, Forbes voted the following industries to be largely prone to being replaced by AI technology in the future: Banking and Finance, Media and marketing, and legal services.

    Is it necessary to upskill in AI technology even when with simple inputs AI will create anything?

    Yes. although AI can do anything with simple input, in order to do that we need to understand the technology in and out. Technical aspects are more important than when providing simple input. Thus, it is important to upskill AI technology in whichever the case is.

    Barry Elad
    Barry Elad

    Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.

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