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James Maguire

The Good News About Bad Reviews

Many small e-tailers worry bad reviews posted online by unhappy customers will seriously hurt their business. The truth is, negative reviews don’t happen that often. And even when they do, they can actually be a good thing for e-tailers &#151…

Selling to the Teen Shopper

Courtesy of When it comes to shopping online, teenage users are a contradiction: Most teens don’t have their own credit card, yet they love to shop online. (Which simply proves they have access to their parents’ card). About 80…

Trek’s Site Becomes Tour de Force

When the Trek Bikes Web site switched its software platform, it made an unusual change. The well-known seller of bikes and related gear moved from a custom-built platform — usually considered the most desirable solution — to a platform made…

Case Study:

At first glance, is a pretty standard e-commerce business. The Madison, Wisconsin-based site is a fine arts and home dicor retailer, selling original works by about 650 artists across the country. The site’s shoppers browse among its collection of…

Case Study:

At first glance, it appears that faces a couple of major challenges in its efforts to attract customers. First, its products aren’t unique. Although it sells about 25,000 items, from toothpaste to aspirin to shampoo, most of them can…

Case Study: eDiets

If there’s a single factor responsible for making eDiets the leading weight loss/fitness site, it’s the company’s aggressive marketing. “We are very routinely, in any given month, one of the top 10 Internet advertisers,” says eDiets chief strategist Alison Tanner.…

Case Study:

Company In an approach that chief operating officer Brent Rusick describes as “more efficient than any other out there,” the e-tailer’s orders are filled directly from its distribution partners. Unlike some of its competitors, the site has no warehouses…