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Tim Scannell

Info Management and Governance

Data supervision and governance are essential regions of a efficient business. These processes abide by four simple steps. These steps are similar to these just for managing strategic business procedures. Data can become messy, and duplicate data makes it tougher…

Mobile BPM: 10 Vendors to Watch

Business process management (BPM) is fairly well-established in many enterprises. However, leveraging the explosion in mobile devices, platforms and capabilities, is only now emerging as a critical aspect of BPM, which is following many business and technological processes out into…

Early on the Mobile BPM Curve

Given that an increasingly large portion of work activity – and not just personal email correspondence, but activities that sit squarely in the middle of enterprise workflows — now occurs outside the office, it’s not surprising that companies are showing…

10 Useful Mobile CRM Apps

Customer relationship management (CRM) was around long before mobility became the norm, but now it’s becoming a necessity for CRM applications to offer mobile capabilities. After all, who is on the go more than sales people? “The major CRM vendors…

Can You Spy BI?

What you see is not necessarily what you get. At least that’s the case with a lot of business intelligence software, which many companies tend to deploy with the use of spreadsheets over easier to digest graphics as a way…

UPS Delivers For Internet Heavies

Much of UPS’s business is predicated on timing, and the shipping giant is once again trying to deliver for the holiday season. This month the company announced new shipping options available to sellers on eBay for international delivery, as well…

Online Shoppers Wary of Online Shopping

As online retailers are gearing up for an expected deluge of business this holiday season, shoppers are fretting over making purchases on the Internet, according to a study. Although predictions for a hot shopping November and December are widespread, a…

The Brokerage and The Bot

Instant messaging bots are building steam in the online brokerage world. Conversagent, a developer of chat-based interactive customer service software, has hooked up with online broker HarrisDirect to launch a Customer Relationship Management bot called Automated Service Agent (ASA). Called…