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Phil Britt

How to Maximize Your CRM Spending

CRM systems are essential for many businesses, thanks to their ability to help companies establish and build relationships with current customers and prospects. CRM is also getting easier and more inexpensive to use, experts say. “The great thing about CRM…

Bringing Home the Beacon

Beacons have been in general use for about two years, with retailers using them in everything from vending machines to mannequins in an attempt to move customers along the sales-to-purchase path. The devices are a critical element of location-based marketing…

5 Mobile Marketing Trends

With smartphone penetration reaching 77 percent, according to a recent comScore report, product and service providers, technology companies and startups are all battling for their pieces of the mobile pie. They are paying attention to the latest mobile marketing trends,…

Weekly Review: Envy Abounds

Everyone in the ASP business agrees that conventionally installed packaged software is obsolete. So when issued a press release last week about customer migration from legacy packages such as Siebel and SalesLogix, it was a pretty routine affair. After…

The Myth of Cost-Free Distribution

One of many myths to arise during the crazy years of the dot-com frenzy is proving hard to unlearn — the myth of cost-free distribution. Dot-coms thought the Internet meant they could interact directly with customers, cutting out the need…