Electrifying Tesla Statistics 2024 – By Country, Market Capitalization, Sales, Superchargers

Barry Elad

Updated · Feb 16, 2024

Electrifying Tesla Statistics 2024 – By Country, Market Capitalization, Sales, Superchargers


Electrifying Tesla Statistics: Tesla, a leading player in the EV market, In 2024, Tesla's market capitalization stands at an impressive 900 billion USD, making it one of the most valuable automakers globally. This impressive figure reflects Tesla's significant presence and influence within the automotive sector.

Tesla continues to lead in EV sales, with over 1.5 million vehicles delivered worldwide in 2024, showcasing strong demand for its electric cars.

Tesla commands a significant share of the EV market, with approximately 20% of global EV sales attributed to its vehicles in 2024, solidifying its position as a market leader.

It continues to innovate in the EV space, with advancements in battery technology, autonomous driving features, and renewable energy solutions, driving further growth and market penetration.

Editor’s Choice

  • Tesla emerged as the world's best-selling electric vehicle brand in 2021, solidifying its position as a leader in the EV market
  • Tesla's Model 3 achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first electric car to surpass 1 million global sales in 2021, showcasing the widespread adoption of Tesla's electric vehicles.
  • In 2021, Tesla's Model Y and Model 3 accounted for 97% of the total Tesla sales volume, demonstrating the popularity of these models among consumers.
  • Approximately 27% of Australian Tesla users charge their electric vehicles daily, while 17% opt for weekly charging sessions, reflecting varying charging behaviors among Tesla owners.
  • The Tesla Model 3, priced at 501,000 USD in 2021, emerged as the world's most popular plug-in electric vehicle, further solidifying Tesla's dominance in the electric car market.
  • As of 2021, the United States recorded the highest sales of cars, including Tesla's electric vehicles, underscoring Tesla's strong market presence in its home country.
  • By Q3 2021, Tesla had deployed over 45,000 Supercharger Connectors globally across nearly 5,000 Supercharger locations, enhancing the accessibility and convenience of charging for Tesla owners.
  • Tesla vehicles boast a 48% lower crash rate on a per-mile basis than other EVs, with a 21% lower driver distraction risk. However, Tesla Autopilot vehicles equipped with full self-driving (FSD) technology were involved in 736 crashes between 2019 and 2023, highlighting ongoing safety considerations.
  • In the first 10 months of 2023, Tesla sold 1,438,992 electric cars, ranking 2nd worldwide after BYD and solidifying its position as a key player in the global automotive market.
  • Tesla's revenue reached 71.61 billion USD in Q1-Q3 2023, with a net income of 10.793 billion USD for the twelve months ending September 30, 2023, demonstrating strong financial performance and profitability.
  • As of 2024, Tesla's market value stands at 789.89 billion USD, reflecting investor confidence and market recognition of Tesla's innovative products and technologies.
  • Tesla commands a 17% share of the global electric vehicle market, further establishing its dominance in the EV industry.
  • Tesla manufactured 1.35 million vehicles and sold 1.32 million vehicles in Q3 2023 alone, showcasing its robust production and sales capabilities.
  • Tesla boasts more than 50,000 superchargers worldwide, spanning 5,500 supercharger stations, ensuring ample charging infrastructure to support its growing fleet of electric vehicles.

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Facts About Tesla

  • Tesla vehicles exhibit a 48% lower crash rate per mile compared to other EVs, with 736 crashes involving Autopilot-equipped vehicles from 2019 to 2023.
  • Tesla's revenue reached 71.61 billion USD in Q1-Q3 2023, with a net income of 10.793 billion USD, showcasing strong financial performance.
  • As of 2024, Tesla's market value stands at 789.89 billion USD, reflecting investor confidence in its innovative products and technologies.
  • With 127,855 employees worldwide, Tesla contributes significantly to job creation and economic growth.
  • Tesla operates more than 50,000 superchargers across 5,500 stations globally, ensuring adequate charging infrastructure for its growing fleet.
  • The United States recorded the highest sales of Tesla vehicles in 2021, highlighting Tesla's strong market position in its home country.

What Are Electric Cars?

An electric car is also called a battery car which works on electric motors rather than any fossil fuel. Electric cars are environmentally friendly and run best on a single charge. Such types of vehicles can be charged in the house or at the charging stations built in specified areas. The United States of America is the largest market for the maximum sale of electric cars around the world.

Pros Of Electric Cars

  • Electric cars do not need petrol or diesel to run. The batteries of such cars can be charged at the specified charging points.
  • Electric vehicles are easy to drive.
  • Furthermore, electric cars have quicker acceleration.
  • Electric vehicles have less maintenance cost.
  • Such cars do not create any kind of pollution.
  • Electric cars are automatic and don’t have any gears.

Cons Of Electric Cars

  • Purchasing any electric vehicle requires a high cost of investment.
  • If the battery takes up any problems and causes a reason to replace, then replacing the batteries is also a high investment.
  • It is possible that charging can take much more time than expected.
  • The best performance is observed only when such vehicles are charged on cent percentage batteries.
  • Nowadays, even if there are hundreds of charging stations available it is difficult to find one.
  • Moreover, it is difficult to find the same port charging stations.
  • If drove at high speed, the range is affected.
  • Even though there are many electric vehicle manufacturing companies, they provide less level of customization options.

How do Electric Vehicles work?

Electric cars have electric motors that are transformed into mechanical energy. After which mechanical energy is converted into kinetic energy to run the vehicle. The power is converted to AC from the DC battery. Furthermore, by changing the frequency of power of AC from the inverter to the motor it adjusts the vehicle's speed. The motor produces power which is transferred back to the battery.

Types Of Electric Vehicles

#1. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

HEVs have no plug. The energy is recovered by braking therefore the battery is recharged when it is on the move.

#2. Pure Electric Vehicles (EVs)

These vehicles range from 100 to 200 miles and are powered by an electric battery only.

#3. Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs)

These types of vehicles include a combination of fossil fuel and electricity. They have smaller batteries but are 100% electric cars. They have a range of 15 to 30 miles.

Largest Electric Vehicle Companies By Market Capitalization

Largest Electric Vehicle Companies By Market Capitalization
(Source: Companies Ranked by Market Cap)

  • As of today, Tesla ranks number one for having a USD388.87 billion market share in the United States of America.
  • Similarly, other companies such as Rivian, Lucid Motors, and Fisker have around USD16.90 billion, $11.25 billion, and $2.24 billion of market capitalization.
  • Other companies have the following market cap Nikola (USD1.25 billion), Proterra (USD.092 billion), Hyliion (0.43 billion), Canoo ($0.40 billion), Mullen Automotive ($0.38 billion) and Hyzon Motors ($0.38 billion).

General Electrifying Tesla Statistics

  • As of 2021, Tesla became the world’s best-selling electric vehicle brand.
  • As stated by Electrifying Tesla Statistics in the year 2021, Tesla sold around 9,36,200 plug-in electric vehicles around the globe.
  • The model Tesla 3 was sold for 5,01,000 in the year 2021 and became the world’s most popular plug-in electric vehicle.
  • As for the year 2021, Tesla’s two electric vehicle models Model Y and Model 3 recorded 97% of the total Tesla sales volume.
  • Tesla is a top-selling electric vehicle brand in the United States of America.
  • In the United States of America, there are 22,000 fast chargers. 60% of fast chargers belong to Tesla.
  • As of 2021, Electrifying Tesla statistics say that the brand value was 42.6 billion.
  • 27% of Australian Tesla users charge their electric Tesla daily while 17% of users are one-a-week Tesla chargers.
  • Furthermore, Electrifying Tesla statistics state that 83% of Australian residents purchased the Tesla cars because of the technology and 78% purchased it because of the environmental purpose.
  • Tesla’s Model 3 became the first electric car to cross global sales of 1 million in the year 2021.
  • The largest electrical vehicle plant in the world for Tesla Gigafactory 3 is in China.
  • As per the records of electrifying Tesla statistics model X can dance to the music.
  • The total revenue of Tesla company was around 54 billion in the year 2021.
  • As of 2022, the total revenue of Tesla is around USD76 billion.
  • Electrifying Tesla statistics say that in the first quarter of 2022, the company delivered around 3,10,000 EVs.
  • Tesla ranked second for selling the most PEVs in the first quarter of 2022.
  • On average Tesla’s Model 3 takes 10.94 dollars to charge.

(Source: CleanTechnica)

  • The above chart shows the overall consumption of EV vehicles by Tesla during the day.
  • Commonly, electric vehicles are plugged in for charging during midday.
  • The charging is lowest on weekdays and weekends at 7 am and 7 pm.
  • The charging activity is decreased after 4 pm on Weekends as well as on Weekdays.
  • Similarly, consumption is observed low during the morning and evening periods.

By Country

December 31, 2021
United States $ 19,026
Germany 2,606
China 2,415
Other International 602
Total $ 24,649

(Source: SEC.gov)

  • As of the financial year 2021, the United States of America recorded the highest sale of cars, including Tesla's electric cars.
  • As per electrifying Tesla statistics, the United States of America had around $19,026 million in sales.
  • Germany and China recorded $2,606 million and $2,415 million in electrifying Tesla car sales respectively.
  • Other countries have a total sale of $602 million.
  • The total sales with countries in the year 2021, recorded an overall $24,649 million.
  • In the year 2021, Finland will have more than 6,000 passenger cars of Tesla.
  • 97% of the Tesla car users in Australia purchased It for private use while 47% of the people went for Tesla electric vehicles for holiday use.
Country No. of Superchargers
United States 1,488
China 963
Canada 156
Germany 140
France 120
United Kingdom 98
Norway 94
Sweden 64
South Korea 86
Italy 57

(Source: Demand Sage)

  • There are around 1,488 superchargers in the United States of America as of 2021.
  • China ranks second for having around 963 superchargers whereas Canada has 156.
  • Other countries have the following supercharges being in the top 10 list of superchargers by country Germany (140), France (120), United Kingdom (98), Norway (94), South Korea (86), Sweden (64), and Italy (57).

Top 20 Countries for EV sales
(Reference: Canary Media)

  • As for electric vehicle sales in the year 2021, Norway tops the list for having a maximum sale of overall electric vehicles by 86%.
  • The list is followed by Iceland and Sweden with 72% and 43% respectively.
  • In Denmark, there was 35% of the total EV sales in the year 2021, and with a minor difference, Finland had around 31%.
  • Other countries in the list of top 20 countries for EV sales are the Netherlands (30%), Germany (26%), Switzerland (22%), Portugal (20%), the United Kingdom (19%), France (19%), Belgium (18%), China (16%), Italy (9%), Spain (8%), Greece and Canada (7%), South Korea (6%), United States of America (5%) and New Zealand (4%).

Tesla Statistics By Supercharges

Country Superchargers
USA 2092(35.59%)
China 1912(32.53%)
Canada 206(3.5%)
Germany 189(3.22%)
France 170(2.89%)
United Kingdom 126(2.14%)
Norway 120(2.04%)
Japan 99(1.68%)
South Korea 153(2.6%)
Taiwan 90(1.53%)

(Source: Backlinko)

  • As of December 2023, the US and China account for 68.12% of all Tesla Supercharger stations. The two countries contain a combined 4,005 Supercharger locations.
  • While the Tesla Supercharger network extends to 45 countries, the vast majority (87.73%) of stations are located in just 10 countries.
  • China has around 32.53% resulting in the 1912 supercharger.
  • Whereas Canada has 206 superchargers resulting in 3.5%.

Tesla Statistics By Charging Station Market Size


  • The overall electric vehicle charging station market has become a billion-dollar market.
  • In the year 2021, the market size was $35.50 billion, whereas in the year 2022, the overall market size was $46.54.
  • For the following years expected market share is growing at an increasing rate as follows 2023 ($61.06 billion), 2024 ($80.17 billion), 2025 ($105.34 billion), 2026 ($138.52 billion), 2027 ($182.29 billion), 2028 ($240.07 billion), 2029 ($316.41billion) and 2030 ($417.35 billion).

By Company

  • In the year 2021, Tesla’s electric models, model Y, and Model 3 recorded total sales of 1,85,994 and 1,47,460 respectively with overall EV sales in the United States of America are 29.5% and 23.4%
  • Ford Mustang Mach E had 27,140 total sales with 4.3% and Chevy Bolt EV/EUV with a 3.9% share and 24,828 shares.
  • Whereas Volkswagen ID.4 had 2.7% of total EV sales with 16,742 number of sale.
  • Tesla Model S had 15,545 total sales with 2.5% overall sales.
  • Other major sales in the EV category were Nissan Leaf – 14,239 (2.3%), Porche Taycan – 9,419 (1.5%), Tesla Model X – 7,985 (1.3%) and Audi e-Tron 7,429 (1.2%).

Global EV Sales By OEM
(Source: EV-Volumes)

  • The global sale of BYD of BE vehicles was more than 30,000 whereas for the PHEV category, it recorded above 600,000. This has shown an increase of 320%.
  • Tesla Inc. recorded BEV sales with an increased rate in the volume of sales by +46%.
  • The third place is taken by GM Motors with the maximum sales in the BEV category.
  • Similarly, Hyundai Motor recorded almost equal sales in the BEV and PHEV categories.
  • Other companies have also recorded an increased share in the sale following Stellantis, Mercedes Benz Group, R-N-M, Chery Automobile, and many more.

Trends About Tesla

  • Continued Growth in EV Market: Tesla maintains its dominance in the electric vehicle market, with a steady increase in sales and market share.
  • Expansion of Product Line: Tesla continues to expand its product line, introducing new models and variants to cater to diverse consumer preferences and market segments.
  • Advancements in Autopilot Technology: Tesla remains at the forefront of autonomous driving technology, with ongoing improvements to its Autopilot system and the introduction of new features.
  • Investment in Charging Infrastructure: Tesla invests in expanding its Supercharger network, enhancing charging accessibility and convenience for Tesla owners worldwide.
  • Focus on Sustainability: Tesla emphasizes sustainability in its operations, with a focus on renewable energy solutions, energy storage, and carbon reduction initiatives.
  • Financial Performance: Tesla demonstrates strong financial performance, with revenue growth and profitability reflecting the company's robust business model and market demand.
  • Global Market Expansion: Tesla continues to expand its presence in international markets, with a focus on increasing production capacity and sales channels to meet growing demand.
  • Innovation in Battery Technology: Tesla invests in research and development of advanced battery technologies, aiming to improve the energy density, performance, and cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Safety: Tesla prioritizes regulatory compliance and safety standards, with ongoing efforts to enhance vehicle safety features and meet regulatory requirements in different regions.
  • Brand Recognition and Reputation: Tesla maintains strong brand recognition and reputation as a pioneer in the electric vehicle industry, driving consumer trust and loyalty.

Recent Developments Of Tesla

  • Record-breaking Sales: Tesla achieved record-breaking sales in 2023, selling over 1.4 million electric cars in the first 10 months alone, showcasing continued market demand and consumer interest.
  • Financial Performance: Tesla's financial performance remained robust, with revenue reaching 71.61 billion USD in Q1-Q3 2023, reflecting sustained growth and profitability in the automotive sector.
  • Supercharger Expansion: Tesla expanded its Supercharger network, surpassing 50,000 superchargers worldwide across 5,500 stations, enhancing charging infrastructure and convenience for Tesla owners.
  • Employee Growth: Tesla's workforce expanded to over 127,855 employees worldwide, reflecting the company's commitment to job creation and economic growth across its operations.
  • Production Milestones: Tesla achieved significant production milestones, manufacturing 1.35 million vehicles in the first three quarters of 2023 alone, showcasing its production capabilities and market demand.
  • Innovations in Battery Technology: Tesla continued to innovate in battery technology, investing in research and development to improve the energy density, performance, and cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles.
  • Global Market Share: Tesla maintained a 17% share of the global electric vehicle market, solidifying its position as a key player in the EV industry and driving market competition.
  • Safety Focus: Tesla prioritized safety with ongoing improvements to vehicle safety features and regulatory compliance, ensuring high standards of safety for Tesla owners worldwide.
  • Brand Recognition: Tesla's brand recognition and reputation remained strong, with the company's name synonymous with innovation and leadership in the electric vehicle market.


In conclusion, Tesla continues to dominate the electric vehicle (EV) market with impressive sales figures and market capitalization. With over 1.4 million electric cars sold in the first 10 months of 2023 and a market value of 789.89 billion USD as of 2024, Tesla maintains its position as a leader in the automotive industry.

Tesla's commitment to innovation is evident in its expansion of the Supercharger network to over 50,000 chargers worldwide, and its investment in battery technology to improve energy efficiency and performance. With a 17% share of the global EV market and a workforce of over 127,855 employees, Tesla's impact on the automotive industry and sustainable transportation is undeniable.

As a market research analyst, it's clear that Tesla's continued growth and innovation will shape the future of the automotive landscape, driving further competition and advancements in electric vehicle technology.

  • Automotive and Transportation Statistics
  • Statistics
  • FAQ.

    On an average how long a Tesla battery can last?

    A Tesla battery can last for 300,000 to 5,00,000 miles or 1,500 cycles of battery charge.

    Which is the best model of Tesla in electric vehicles category?

    Tesla Model 3 is one of the best Tesla model in electric vehicles category.

    How far a Tesla can go in one charge?

    In one charge Tesla can go up to 390 miles with 19’’ wheels.

    How long it takes to charge battery for Tesla?

    On supercharge stations, a Tesla can charge for 200 miles within 15 minutes.

    Barry Elad
    Barry Elad

    Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.

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