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Mark J

Types of Credit Loans You Didn’t Know About

Types of Credit Loans

Around 16 percent of Americans, or more than 108 million people, have no credit, or a very low score. Millions more have poor credit. A bad credit score can make purchasing a car, renting an apartment, or buying a home…

How Does Metaverse Improve Remote Collaboration?

Metaverse Improve Remote Collaboration

The world had gone through the hardest times of The COVID-19 epidemic three years ago which has pushed many businesses to move to remote work. This has resulted in an increase in the adoption of video conferencing software and other…

Cookie Cutter Approach to BI Won’t Cut It

With all of the new business intelligence tools and technologies available, it doesn’t make sense to use a single approach to BI. I interviewed Cindi Howson, founder of the BI Scorecard and author of “Successful Business Intelligence: Secrets to Making BI a Killer…

7 Solutions to Boost CRM Performance

7 Solutions to Boost CRM Performance Even after investing in big CRM systems from companies like Salesforce, many companies buy solutions that help with routine – but important – tasks like contact management. Altify The solution: Altify‘s Max is an “augmented…

BPM and CRM Better Together: Page 2

Forrest Burnson, a CRM specialist at Software Advice, noted that the best time for CRM and BPM integration may be when an older CRM system is going to be upgraded. The latest CRM packages often come with some kind of business…